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191 plant name records match your search criteria Ichnanthus. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Ichnanthus acuminatus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus affinis Döll Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus almadensis (Trin.) Kunth [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus almadensis var. almadensis Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus almadensis var. lanceolatus Döll Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus almadensis var. ovatolanceolatus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus almadensis var. subovatus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus alsinoides (Griseb.) Munro ex Hemsl. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus altus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus amplifolius Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus amplus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus angustifolius Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus angustus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus annuus Killeen & Kirpes Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus apiculatus Scribn. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus areolatus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus attenuatus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus auriculatus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus australiensis (Domin) Hughes Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus axillaris (Nees) Hitchc. & Chase Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus bacularius Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus bambusiflorus (Trin.) Döll Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus bolivianus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus bradei K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus brasiliensis K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus breviacuminatus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus brevipaniculatus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus breviscrobs Döll Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus brevivaginatus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus calvescens (Trin.) Döll Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus calvescens var. calvescens Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus calvescens var. glabrescens Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus calvescens var. pubescens Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus calvescens var. scabrior Döll Accepted L WCSP
Ichnanthus calvescens var. subvelutinus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus camporum Swallen Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus candicans (Nees) Döll [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus candicans var. candicans Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus candicans var. glabratus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus candicans f. grandiflorus Nees ex Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus candicans var. pilosus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus candicans var. velutinus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus candicans var. villosus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus candicans var. virescens Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus chaseae Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus colonarius K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus confertus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus congestus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus conjunctus C.L.Hitchc. & Ekman Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus cordatus Ekman Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus cynotis (Trin.) Döll Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus damazianus Hack. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus dasycoleus Tutin Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus dewildemanii Vanderyst Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus dispermus (Lam.) E.Fourn. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus drepanophyllus Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus duidensis Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus ephemeroblepharis G.A.Black & Fróes Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus erectus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus exilis K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus fastigiatus Brongn. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus firmus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus foliolosus Munro ex Hook.f. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus gardneri Mez Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus glaber (Raddi) Hitchc. Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus glaber Link ex Steud. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus glaberrimus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus glazioui K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus goiasensis Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus gracilis Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus grandifolius (Döll) Zuloaga & Soderstr. Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus harmandii A.Camus Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus hirtus (Raddi) Chase Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus hispidus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus hitchcockii K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus hoffmannseggii (Roem. & Schult.) Döll Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus ichnodes (Griseb.) Hitchc. & Chase Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus inconstans (Trin. ex Nees) Döll Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus inconstans var. inconstans Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus inconstans var. montanus (Trin.) Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus indutus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus itacolumensis K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus lagotis (Trin.) Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus lanceolatus Scribn. & J.G.Sm. Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus lancifolius Mez Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus lancifolius var. lancifolius Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus lancifolius var. weberbaueri (Mez) Stieber Accepted L WCSP
Ichnanthus lasiochlamys Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus latifolius K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus leiocarpus (Spreng.) Kunth Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus leiocarpus var. glabrescens Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus leiocarpus var. leiocarpus Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus leptophyllus Döll Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus lilloi Hack. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus longhi-wagnerii Mota, Aline Costa de & R.P. Oliveira Accepted M TRO
Ichnanthus longiflorus Benth. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus longifolius Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus longiglumis Mez Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus longispiculus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus luetzelburgii Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus majusculus (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Hughes Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus martianus (Nees) Döll [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus mayarensis (C.Wright) Hitchc. Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus mexicanus E.Fourn. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus minarum (Nees) Döll Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus mollis Ekman Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus montanus (Trin.) Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus mueensis (Vanderyst) Vanderyst Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus muelleri Hughes Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus neblinaensis Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus nemoralis (Schrad.) Hitchc. & Chase Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus nemorosus (Sw.) Döll Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus nemorosus var. nemorosus Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus nemorosus var. swartzii K.E.Rogers Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus nervosus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus nubigenus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus nubilis Chase Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus oblongus Hughes Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus oplismenoides Döll Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus pallens var. major (Nees) Stieber Accepted L WCSP
Ichnanthus pallens f. monstrosus Donn.Sm. Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus pallens var. pallens Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus pallidus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus papillatus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus parodii K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus parodii var. villosissimus K.E.Rogers Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus pauciflorus (R.Br.) Hughes Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus peruvianus Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus petiolatus (Nees) Döll Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus petiolatus var. lanceolatus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus petiolatus var. petiolatus Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus petraeus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus pilosomarginatus Catasús Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus pilosus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus piresii G.A.Black Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus planotis (Trin.) Döll Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus planotis var. pilosus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus planotis var. planotis Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus polycladus Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus polythyrsus (Nees ex Steud.) K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus procurrens (Nees ex Trin.) Swallen Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus procurrens var. procurrens Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus procurrens var. subaequiglumis (Hack.) Killeen & Kirpes Accepted L WCSP
Ichnanthus pubescens Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus ramosissimus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus reclinatus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus reclivis Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus riedelii (Trin.) Döll Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus riparius Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus rondonii Kuhlm. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus ruprechtii Döll Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus ruprechtii var. glabratus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus ruprechtii var. ruprechtii Synonym L TRO
Ichnanthus ruprechtii var. tomentellus Döll Synonym L WCSP
Ichnanthus sabulosus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus sandiense Mez Synonym M TRO
Ichnanthus sandiensis Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus scaberrimus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus sericans Hack. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus serratus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus silvestris Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus standleyi Hitchc. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus subinclusus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus subpellucidus (Steud.) K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus sucrensis K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus swallenii K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus tamayonis Chase Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus tarijianus K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus tarumanensis G.A.Black & Fróes Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus tectus Swallen Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus tenuifolius K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus tenuis (J.Presl) Hitchc. & Chase Accepted H WCSP
Ichnanthus tipuaniensis K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus tonkinensis K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus trinii (Kunth) Pilg. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus trinitensis Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus umbraphilus Renvoize Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus velutinus Ekman Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus venezuelanus Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus venturii K.E.Rogers Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus verticillatus Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus vestitus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus vicinus (Bailey) Merr. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus villosissimus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus villosus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus vimineus Swallen Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus weberbaueri Mez Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus wrightii Hitchc. Synonym H WCSP
Ichnanthus zehntneri Mez Accepted H WCSP