The Plant List — A working list for all plant species


35 plant name records match your search criteria Chrysanthellum. The results are below.

The names found have these generic epithets:

  • Chrysanthellum; species epithets begin with: A B E F I K L M P R S T W

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Chrysanthellum abyssinicum Sch.Bip. Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum americanum (L.) Vatke Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum americanum var. americanum Synonym L TICA
Chrysanthellum americanum var. integrifolium (Steetz ex Steetz) Alexander Synonym L TICA
Chrysanthellum argentinum Ariza & Cerana Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum argentinum Ariza Esp. & Cerana Synonym M TRO
Chrysanthellum boliviense Sch.Bip. [Invalid] Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum erectum Andersson Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum fagerlindii Eliasson Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum filiforme McVaugh Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum indicum DC. Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum indicum subsp. afroamericanum B.L.Turner Accepted L TICA
Chrysanthellum indicum subsp. indicum Synonym L TICA
Chrysanthellum indicum var. indicum Synonym L TICA
Chrysanthellum indicum var. mexicanum (Greenm.) B.L.Turner Accepted L TICA
Chrysanthellum integrifolium Steetz ex Steetz Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum involutum Paul G.Wilson Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum keilii B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum leschenaultii (Cass.) Backer Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum mexicanum Greenm. Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum michoacanum B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum perennans B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum pilzii Strother Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum pinnatisectum Paul G.Wilson Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum pinnatisectum (Paul G.Wilson) Veldkamp Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum procumbens A.Rich. [Illegitimate] Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum procumbens Rich. ex Pers. [Illegitimate] Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum pusillum Hook.f. Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum rosei (Greenm.) Veldkamp Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum senegalense DC. Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum smithii Backer Synonym L TICA
Chrysanthellum swartzii DC. Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum tamaulipense B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Chrysanthellum tuberculatum (Hook. & Arn.) Cabrera Synonym M TICA
Chrysanthellum weberbaueri I.C.Chung Synonym M TICA