The Plant List — A working list for all plant species


39 plant name records match your search criteria Blechum. The results are below.

The names found have these generic epithets:

  • Blechum; species epithets begin with: A B C D E G H K L M P S T

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Blechum angustifolium (Sw.) R.Br. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum angustifolium (Sw.) Sm. Synonym M TRO
Blechum angustius Nees Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum anisophyllum Juss. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum blechioides (Sw.) Hitchc. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum blechum (L.) Millsp. [Invalid] Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum brasiliense G.Don Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum brasiliense Mart. ex Nees Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Blechum brownei Juss. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum brownei Kunth [Illegitimate] Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum brownei f. albiflora Kuntze Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Blechum brownei f. brownei Synonym L TRO
Blechum brownei f. coeruleum Kuntze Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Blechum brownei var. laxum Nees Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Blechum brownei f. puberulum Leonard Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Blechum brownei var. subcordatum Kuntze Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Blechum cordatum Leonard Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum costaricense Oerst. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum dariense Lindau Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Blechum erectum Sm. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum grandiflorum Oerst. Accepted L WCSP (in review)
Blechum grandiflorum Oerst. Unresolved L TRO
Blechum haenkei Nees Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum hamatum Klotzsch Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Blechum haughtii Leonard Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum killipii Leonard Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum laxiflorum Juss. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum linnaei Nees Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum linnaei var. laxum Nees Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Blechum linnaei var. nanum Nees Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Blechum linnaei var. parviflorum Nees Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Blechum luzonium Nees Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum mexicanum Oerst. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum panamense Lindau Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum pedunculatum Donn.Sm. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum pyramidatum (Lam.) Urb. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum sternbergii Nees Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Blechum trinitense Nees Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Blechum tweedyi Nees Synonym M WCSP (in review)