The Plant List — A working list for all plant species


5369 plant name records match your search criteria Rosa. The results are below.

The names found have these generic epithets:

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Rosa × aberrans Wolley-Dod Synonym L RJP
Rosa abietina Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa abietina Gren. ex H.Christ Accepted H RJP
Rosa abietina f. pycnocephala H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa abietina f. pyrenocephala H.Christ [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa abietina var. sancti-martinii R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa abietina var. st-martinii R.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa abietina f. uriensis Lagger & Puget ex H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa abietorum Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × abortiva Charb. & Fouill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa abscondita H.Christ ex Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × abscondita Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa abstenta D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa abutalybovii Gadzh. Accepted H RJP
Rosa abyssinica R.Br. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa abyssinica R.Br. ex Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acantha Waitz ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acanthina D‚s‚gl. & Ozanon Synonym H RJP
Rosa acanthizans Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acanthochlamys Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acanthophora Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acanthothamnus Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa accumbens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa accurrens Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa accurtaticeps Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acharii Billb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acharii D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acharii Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa achburensis Chrshan. Accepted H RJP
Rosa acicularioides Schuette Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acicularis Rupr. ex Nyman Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acicularis auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acicularis Lindl. Accepted H RJP
Rosa acicularis subsp. acicularis Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. albiflora X. Lin & Y.L. Lin Synonym L TRO
Rosa acicularis var. bourgeauiana Cr‚p. Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. carelica (Fr.) Matsson Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. cucurbiformis Raup Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. engelmannii (S.Watson) Cr‚p. ex Rehder Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. fennica Av‚-Lall. ex Koehne Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. glandulifolia Y.B.Chang Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. glandulosa Liou Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. glandulosa T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. glauca auct. Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. gmelinii (Bunge) C.A.Mey. Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. lacorum Erlanson Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. nipponensis (Cr‚p.) Koehne Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. rotunda Erlanson Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. sayi (Schwein.) Rehder Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis subsp. sayi (Schwein.) W.H.Lewis Accepted L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. sayiana Erlanson Synonym L RJP
Rosa acicularis var. taquetii (H.L‚v.) Nakai Synonym L RJP
Rosa aciculata (Cockerell) Cockerell Synonym H RJP
Rosa aciphylla A.Rau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aciphylloides Cr‚p. ex Cottet & Castella Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aciphylloides (Rouy) Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acmenodon Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acmenophylla Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acrocomata Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acrotoma Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa actinodroma Gand. Synonym H RJP
Rosa actinophlaea Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aculeatior Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aculeatissima Dum.Cours. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acuminata Raf. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acuminata Sw. ex Rchb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acuta Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acuta Fisch. ex Sweet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acutalis Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acutantula Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acutatula Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa acutiformis (Heinr.Braun) Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adaugens (Almq.) Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa addita D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adenocalyx Gren. Synonym H RJP
Rosa adenocarpa Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adenochaeta Koidz. Synonym H RJP
Rosa adenochlamyda Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adenoclada H.L‚v. Accepted H RJP
Rosa × adenoclada Hy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adenoclados Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adenodonta Dubovik Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adenophora Kit. Synonym H RJP
Rosa adenophylla Galushko Accepted H RJP
Rosa adenophylla Willd. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adenosepala (Borb s) Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adenosepala Wooton & Standl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa adenostephana Debeaux Synonym H RJP
Rosa adenotricha Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adjecta D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × admista Burnat Unresolved L RJP
Rosa adscita D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aeduensis D‚s‚gl. & Gillot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aemoniana Puget ex R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × affabilis Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa affectata Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa affinior Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa affinis Sternb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa affinis A.Rau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa affinis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa affinis Godet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa affinita Puget ex Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa afzeliana Fr. ex Lilj. Synonym H RJP
Rosa afzeliana Fr. Synonym L TRO
Rosa afzeliana subsp. afzeliana Synonym L RJP
Rosa afzeliana var. collinderi Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa afzeliana var. convirescens Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa afzeliana subsp. coriifolia (Fr.) R.Keller & Gams Synonym L RJP
Rosa afzeliana f. elatophylla Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa afzeliana var. holmii Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa afzeliana var. medelpadica Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa afzeliana var. prostata Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa afzeliana subsp. rhaetica (Gremli) R.Keller & Gams Synonym L RJP
Rosa afzeliana var. solanifolia Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa afzeliana var. subcalva R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa afzeliana subsp. subcanina (Fr.) Schwertschl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa afzeliana var. subglabra R.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa afzeliana subsp. uriensis (Lagger & Puget ex H.Christ) R.Keller & Gams Synonym L RJP
Rosa afzeliana subsp. vosagiaca (N.H.F.Desp.) R.Keller & Gams Synonym L RJP
Rosa afzeliana var. znaimensis R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aganodon Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aganodonta Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aginensis Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aginnensis N.H.F.Desp. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa agraria Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa agrestina Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa agrestina Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa agrestis Savi Accepted H RJP
Rosa agrestis C.C.Gmel. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa agrestis Sw. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa agrestis Sw. ex Spreng. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa agrestis subsp. abscondita (H.Christ) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa agrestis subsp. caryophyllacea E.Schenk Synonym L RJP
Rosa agrestis subsp. pubescens (Rapin ex Reut.) E.Schenk Synonym L RJP
Rosa agrestis var. schulzei R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa agrestis subsp. silesiaca Schalow Unresolved L RJP
Rosa agustiana Sennen Synonym H RJP
Rosa akashiensis Miki Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alabukensis Tkatsch. Accepted H RJP
Rosa alaica Juz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alampeta Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alba L. Accepted L RJP
Rosa alba All. Synonym H RJP
Rosa alba P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alba Vahl Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × alba L. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa alba f. suaveolens Dieck Accepted L RJP
Rosa albertii Regel Accepted H RJP
Rosa albertii auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa albicans Godet ex Boiss. Synonym H RJP
Rosa albida Kmet ex Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa albidula Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa albiflora Opiz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa albispinosa Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa albolutescens Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alcea Greene Synonym L RJP
Rosa aldersonii Greene Synonym H RJP
Rosa aleutensis Cr‚p. Synonym H RJP
Rosa alexandrae Buzunova Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alexandris Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alexeenkoi Cr‚p. ex Juz. Accepted H RJP
Rosa algoiensis Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alienipinnata Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aliothii H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alixensis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa allionii Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa allodon Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa allodonta Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × almeriensis Rouy ex Willk. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × almeriensis Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa almquistii Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alnorum Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × alpestris Rapin ex Reut. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpestris D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpicola Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpina L. Synonym H RJP
Rosa alpina Pall. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpina (Pall. 1788) Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina Ledeb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpina Merino Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpina Hampe Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpina var. aculeata Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina subsp. aculeata (Ser.) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina f. adenosepala Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpina var. adjecta (D‚s‚gl.) Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. bordereana Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. glandulosa (Bellardi ex Ser.) Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. globosa Desv. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. gratianopolitana Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. heterophylla Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. humilis Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. intermedia Gren. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. laevis Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina subsp. laevis (Ser.) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. lagenaria (Vill.) Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. lamotteana Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. latifolia Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. lixoniensis Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. macroacantha Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. macrophylla (Lindl.) Boulenger Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. macrophylla Hagenb. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. monspeliaca (Gouan) Steud. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina subsp. monspeliaca (Gouan) Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. montisludovici Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. norica J.B.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. nuda Gren. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. nudipes Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. ovoidea Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. pendulina (L.) Loisel. & Michel Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. provincialis Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. pseudopyrenaica Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. pubescens Gren. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. pyrenaica (Gouan) Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina subsp. pyrenaica (Gouan) Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. rotundifolia Boullu Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. setosa Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. subglobosa Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. sublaevis Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. vestita Gren. Synonym L RJP
Rosa alpina var. wagneriana J.B.Keller & Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpiniformis Haynald ex Borb s Synonym H RJP
Rosa × alpinoides D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpinominuta Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa × alpinopimpinellifolia H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpinopimpinellifolia Reut. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpinoreuteri H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alpiphila Arv.-Touv. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa altaica Willd. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa altata Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa altera Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alticola Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa altidaghestanica Husseinov Accepted H RJP
Rosa altissiodurensis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × altobracensis H.J.Coste & Souli‚ ex H.J.Coste Unresolved L RJP
Rosa alvarensis Fr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amabilis Borkh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amabilis Wrede ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amansii D‚s‚gl. & Ripart Synonym H RJP
Rosa amansii Gand. Synonym H RJP
Rosa ambigens Ripart Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ambigens Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ambigua L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ambigua Lej. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ambigua Waitz ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ambigua N.F.Russanov Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ambigua Ser. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amblyophylla Kult. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amblyotis C.A.Mey. Accepted H RJP
Rosa amblyphylla Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa americana Waitz ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa americana Breiter Unresolved L RJP
Rosa americana Waitz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amicii Gand. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × amiliavensis H.J.Coste & E.Simon Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amoena Waitz ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amoena Waitz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amotella Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amoyensis Hance Synonym H RJP
Rosa × amphibola Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amphisboena Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amphora Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amplifolia Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ampullicarpa Koidz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amurensis Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa amygdalifolia Ser. Synonym H RJP
Rosa anacantha Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × anachoretica Schmidely Unresolved L RJP
Rosa analoga D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anatolica Cr‚p. Synonym H RJP
Rosa anatonensis H.St.John Synonym H RJP
Rosa × ancarensis Pau & Merino Synonym H RJP
Rosa anceps Bouteiller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ancistrum L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ancylodon Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × andegavensis Bastard Accepted L RJP
Rosa andegavensis auct. Synonym M TRO
Rosa × andegavensis var. agrestina (Cr‚p.) Boullu Synonym L RJP
Rosa × andegavensis var. condensata (Puget) Boullu Synonym L RJP
Rosa × andegavensis var. lemaitrei (Ripart ex Genev.) Boullu Synonym L RJP
Rosa andersonii hort. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × andorae Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa andreae Lange Synonym H RJP
Rosa andrewsii Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa andropogon Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa andrzeiovii Steven ex Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa andrzeiowsciana Besser [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa andrzeiowscii Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa andrzeiowskii Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa andrzeiowskii Steven ex Besser Synonym L RJP
Rosa andrzejowsciana W.D.J.Koch [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa andrzejowscii Steven ex M.Bieb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa andrzejowskii (Andrz.) Steven Synonym L RJP
Rosa andrzejowskii H.Waldner Unresolved L RJP
Rosa andrzejowskii (Steven ex Besser) Chrshan. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa andrzejowskii Steven ex M. Bieb. Accepted M TRO
Rosa anemone hort. ex Redout‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anemoneflora hort. ex Andrews Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anemoniflora Fortune ex Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × anemonoides Rehder Synonym H RJP
Rosa anemonoides Rehder Synonym M TRO
Rosa anfracta Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × angilloniana Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anglica hort. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa angreni Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa angustata Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa angustiarum (Cockerell) Cockerell Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anisocantha Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anisopoda H.Christ ex Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anisopoda Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anisopoda f. lexnitzensis J.B.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa annesiensis D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa annoniana Puget ex Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anomala Ripart Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anoplantha H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anotricha Piotr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anserinaefolia Boiss. Synonym H RJP
Rosa antalyensis Manden. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anti-ardala Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa anticaria Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa antigabrielssonii Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa antitraaenii (Almq.) Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa antonowii (Lonacz.) Dubovik Accepted L RJP
Rosa anycylacantha Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa apennina Woods Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aperota Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aperta Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa apiculata Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa apiifolia Willd. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa apollo Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa apostigma Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa appennina Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa approximata D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × apricoides R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa apricorum Ripart Unresolved L RJP
Rosa apricorum Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aquatica Raf. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × aquitanica A.F‚lix & Fouill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa araaedena L.Mugnier Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arabica Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arabica (Cr‚p. ex Boiss.) D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arborea Pers. Synonym H RJP
Rosa arbuscula E.Vilm. ex Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arbuscula E.Vilm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arcadiensis Hal csy Synonym L RJP
Rosa arcana D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × archipelagica Tchubar Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arcuata Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ardala Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arduennensis Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arduennensis Lej. [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa arduennensis Ivolas Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × areitiana Cornaz ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arenaria M.Bieb. ex Spreng. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × areniensis Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × arenivaga D‚s‚gl. ex Jull.-Crosn. Synonym H RJP
Rosa arensii Juz. & Galushko Accepted H RJP
Rosa arensil Juz. & Galushko Unresolved L TRO
Rosa areschoughii Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × argesana Ny r. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa argus Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arguta Steven ex M.Bieb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arguta Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arguta Muss.Puschk. ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arguteserrata Opiz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa argutus Link Unresolved L TRO
Rosa argyi H.Lév. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Rosa × argyi H.L‚v. Synonym H RJP
Rosa arietaria Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aristata Lapeyr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arizonica Rydb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa arizonica var. granulifera (Rydb.) Kearney & Peebles Synonym L RJP
Rosa arkansana S.Watson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arkansana Porter Accepted H RJP
Rosa arkansana var. arkansana Synonym L RJP
Rosa arkansana f. arkansana Synonym L TRO
Rosa arkansana var. suffulta (Greene) Cockerell Accepted L RJP
Rosa arkansanoides C.K.Schneid. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arkansanoides f. alba C.K.Schneid. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arkansoides C.K.Schneid. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa arkansoides f. alba C.K.Schneid. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa armassensis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa armata Steven ex Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × armatissima D‚s‚gl. & Ripart Unresolved L RJP
Rosa armena Boiss. Synonym H RJP
Rosa armidae Webb ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa armoricana Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × arnoldiana Sarg. Accepted H RJP
Rosa arnoldii Sumnev. ex Tkatsch. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvatica Puget ex Baker Synonym H RJP
Rosa arvensicanina Gremli ex H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvensis Luc‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvensis Roth Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvensis Schrank Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvensis Vill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvensis L. Synonym H RJP
Rosa arvensis Huds. Accepted L RJP
Rosa arvensis f. atrata H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. atrata (H.Christ) Boulenger Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. ayreshirea Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. blanda hort. ex Andrews Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. candolleana Tratt. Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. complicata R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. grandidentata Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. intercedens R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. laevipes Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. laevipes Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. levipes R.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. major H.J.Coste Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. ovata Desv. Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis f. pilifolia Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. pilifolia (Borb s) R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. prostrata (DC.) Thory Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. repens Scop. ex Chevall. Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis subsp. repens (Scop. ex Chevall.) C.Vicioso Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. scandens Sweet Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. stylosa (Desv.) Lej. Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis subsp. stylosa (Desv.) Baker Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. systyla (Bastard) Hook.f. Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis f. transalpina H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. trojana Boulenger Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. typica R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis var. vulgaris Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa arvensis × sempervirens Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvernica Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvina Krock. Synonym H RJP
Rosa arvina J.Lloyd Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × arvina Wolley-Dod Unresolved L RJP
Rosa arvina Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aschersoniana Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × aschersoniana Graebn. Accepted H RJP
Rosa asclepiadea Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aspera Schleich. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aspera Hegetschw. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa asperifolia Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aspernata D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa asperrima Godet ex Boiss. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa asphaltitica Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aspratilis Cr‚p. ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aspreticola Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa assimilis D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × assurgens Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa assyensis Poljakov Unresolved L RJP
Rosa assyriensis Poljakov Synonym M TRO
Rosa astrictula Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ataloneura Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa athoa Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa atona (Matsson) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa atrichostyla Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa atroglandulosa C.K.Schneid. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa atropatana Sosn. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa atropurpurea (Boullu) Boullu Synonym H RJP
Rosa atropurpurea Brot. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa atrovirens Viv. Synonym H RJP
Rosa attenellidens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa attenuata Chabert ex Cariot Synonym L RJP
Rosa attenuipes Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aublancii Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aucheri Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aucheri Cr‚p. ex Boiss. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aucheriana Cr‚p. Synonym L RJP
Rosa aucuparia Rydb. Synonym L RJP
Rosa aucupariifolia Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aucuparioides Debeaux Synonym H RJP
Rosa aunieri Cariot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aunisiensis (Fouill.) Fouill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aurantiaca hort. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aurantiaca de Vos Unresolved L RJP
Rosa aurelianensis Redout‚ ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × aurosica Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa austera Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa australis A.Kern. ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa australis Puget & Ripart Synonym H RJP
Rosa austriaca Crantz Synonym H RJP
Rosa austriaca hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa austriaca D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa austriaca var. cordifolia (Host) Borb s Synonym L RJP
Rosa austriaca var. leiophylla Borb s Synonym L RJP
Rosa austriaca var. officinalis (hort. ex Andrews) P.V.Heath Synonym L RJP
Rosa austriaca var. subglandulosa Borb s Synonym L RJP
Rosa × aveyronensis H.J.Coste Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × avrayensis Rouy Accepted H RJP
Rosa awarica Husseinov Accepted H RJP
Rosa × axmannii C.C.Gmel. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ayreshirea hort. brit. ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa azerbaidshanica Novopokr. & Rzazade Unresolved L RJP
Rosa azerbajdzhanica Novopokr. & Rzazade Synonym L TRO
Rosa × badenburgensis D”ll Unresolved L RJP
Rosa badiella Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa baenitzii H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa baicalensis Turcz. ex Besser Synonym H RJP
Rosa baitagensis Kamelin & Gubanov Unresolved L RJP
Rosa baiyushanensis Q.L.Wang Accepted H RJP
Rosa bakeri D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bakeri Rydb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa balansaea D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa balcanica Dimitrov Synonym H RJP
Rosa × balcanica Prod n Unresolved L RJP
Rosa balcarica Galushko Accepted H RJP
Rosa balchaschense Popov Unresolved L RJP
Rosa baldensis A.Kern. ex D‚s‚gl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa balearica Desf. Synonym H RJP
Rosa balearica Pers. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa balearica Dum.Cours. Synonym H RJP
Rosa balloniana Kirschl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × ballstedtensis Sagorski Unresolved L RJP
Rosa balsamea Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa balsamea Kit. Synonym H RJP
Rosa balsamica Besser Accepted H RJP
Rosa balsamica Willd. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa baltica Roth Unresolved L RJP
Rosa banksiae R.Br. Accepted H RJP
Rosa banksiae Cr‚p. Synonym H RJP
Rosa banksiae Hook.f. Synonym H RJP
Rosa banksiae f. aculeata Focke ex H.L‚v. Synonym L RJP
Rosa banksiae f. albiflora H.L‚v. Synonym L RJP
Rosa banksiae var. alboplena Rehder Synonym L RJP
Rosa banksiae var. banksiae Synonym L RJP
Rosa banksiae var. flava Lindl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa banksiae f. lutea (Lindl.) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa banksiae var. lutea Lindl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa banksiae f. lutescens Voss Accepted L RJP
Rosa banksiae var. microcarpa (Lindl.) Regel Synonym L RJP
Rosa banksiae var. normalis Regel Accepted L RJP
Rosa banksiae f. subinermis Focke ex H.L‚v. Synonym L RJP
Rosa banksiana C.Abel Unresolved L RJP
Rosa banksiopsis Baker Accepted H RJP
Rosa barbajovis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa barbeyi Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × barbierana Rehder Unresolved L RJP
Rosa barbulata Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa barcensis Simonk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × barclayana Druce Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × barclayi Wolley-Dod Unresolved L RJP
Rosa basilica R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa batavica Breiter Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bathyphylla (Matsson) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa batthyranyorum Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa baumanii Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × baxanensis Galushko Accepted H RJP
Rosa baxanensis Galushko Unresolved L TRO
Rosa × beanii P.V.Heath Unresolved L RJP
Rosa beatricis Burnat & Gremli Synonym H RJP
Rosa beauvaisii Cardot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × bebaeoblasta Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa beckii Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bedoi Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa beggeriana Schrenk ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Accepted H RJP
Rosa beggeriana R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa beggeriana auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa beggeriana var. anserinaefolia (Boiss.) Cr‚p. Synonym L RJP
Rosa beggeriana var. beggeriana Synonym L RJP
Rosa beggeriana var. genuina Cr‚p. Synonym L RJP
Rosa beggeriana var. lioui (T.T.Yu & H.T.Tsai) T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku Accepted L RJP
Rosa beggeriana var. tianschanica Regel [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa beggeriana var. tianshanica Regel Unresolved L RJP
Rosa belgica Mill. Synonym L RJP
Rosa belgica Brot. Synonym H RJP
Rosa belgradensis Pančić Synonym H RJP
Rosa bella Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP
Rosa bella var. bella Synonym L RJP
Rosa bella f. pallens Rehder & E.H.Wilson Synonym L RJP
Rosa bella var. wulffii Almq. ex G.T„ckh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa belladonna hort. ex Andrews Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bellavallis Puget ex D‚s‚gl. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa bellevallis Puget ex Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bellevallis Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bellicosa Nevski Accepted H RJP
Rosa bellojocensis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × belnensis auct. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × belnensis Ozanon Accepted H RJP
Rosa × belocarpa Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bengalensis Pers. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × bengyana Rouy & L.C.Lamb. Accepted H RJP
Rosa berberifolia Pall. Accepted H RJP
Rosa berdaui Piotr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bergiana Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bergiana var. lepidina Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bernardii Moutin Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bernarditae Sennen & Mauricio Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × bernetii Schmidely Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × bernetii Schmidely ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa berniciensis Blackburn Unresolved L RJP
Rosa beschnauensis Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa besseri Tratt. Synonym H RJP
Rosa beytei Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa biborreri Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × bibracensis Sagorski Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × bibracteata Bastard ex DC. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × bibracteata J.B.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bibracteata auct. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × bibracteoides Wolley-Dod Synonym H RJP
Rosa bibractoides Wolley-Dod Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bicaucasica Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × bickertonensis Wolley-Dod Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bicknellii Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bicolor Jacq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bidenticulata Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa biebersteiniana Tratt. Accepted H RJP
Rosa biebersteinii Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × bifera (Poir.) Pers. Synonym L RJP
Rosa bifera Poir. Unresolved L TRO
Rosa biflora T.C.Ku Synonym H RJP
Rosa biflora Krock. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa biflora Aubl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa biformis Gremli ex R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bifracta Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × bigeneris Duffort ex Rouy Accepted H RJP
Rosa billetii Puget ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa billietii Puget ex Cr‚p. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa billietii Puget Unresolved L RJP
Rosa billotiana Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa billotii F.G‚rard Unresolved L RJP
Rosa biondii Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bipinnata hort. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bipinnata Dum.Cours. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bipratinicola Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bischeutziana Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa biserrata M‚rat Unresolved L RJP
Rosa biserrata Godet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa biserratifolia Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa biserratifolia Sumn. Synonym M TRO
Rosa × biserratoides Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × bishopii Wolley-Dod Accepted H RJP
Rosa bithynica Manden. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × biturigensis Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bjelasnicae Beck Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blanda Pursh Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blanda S.Watson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blanda Aiton Accepted H RJP
Rosa blanda Brot. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blanda var. aciculata Cockerell Synonym L RJP
Rosa blanda var. arkansana (Porter) Best Synonym L RJP
Rosa blanda var. blanda Synonym L RJP
Rosa blanda f. carpohispida (Schuette) W.H.Lewis Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blanda var. carpohispida Schuette Synonym L TRO
Rosa blanda var. glabra Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blandfordii Waitz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blekingica Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blinii H.L‚v. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blinovskiana Kult. [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa blinovskyana Kult. Accepted H RJP
Rosa blockiana Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blomii Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa blondaeana Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa blyttii Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bodinieri H.L‚v. & Vaniot Synonym H RJP
Rosa bohemica Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bohemica Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa boisii Cardot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa boissieri Cr‚p. Accepted H RJP
Rosa bolanderi Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bolandri Greene [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa × bonhominis Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bonhominis Fouill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bonnieri Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa × boraeana B‚raud Unresolved L RJP
Rosa borbasiana Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa borboniana hort. ex C.Morren Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × borboniana N.H.F.Desp. Accepted H RJP
Rosa borbonica Dippel Synonym L RJP
Rosa borbonica Chaix Synonym H RJP
Rosa borckhausenii Gaudin ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa borderi Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bordzilowskii Chrshan. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × borealis Wolley-Dod Unresolved L RJP
Rosa borealis Tratt. Synonym H RJP
Rosa boreykiana Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa boreykiana D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × boreykiana Besser Unresolved L TRO
Rosa borhekiana J.B.Keller & Form nek ex Form nek Unresolved L RJP
Rosa borissovae Chrshan. Accepted H RJP
Rosa borkhausenii Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa borkhausii Gaudin ex Ser. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bormiensis Cornaz ex Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa borreri Woods Unresolved L RJP
Rosa borysthenica Chrshan. Synonym H RJP
Rosa botryoides Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bottaiana Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × boulengeri Fouill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa boullui Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bounophila Ripart Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bourbonia R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bourdini Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bourgeauana Cr‚p. [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa bourgeauiana Cr‚p. Synonym H RJP
Rosa bourgeonensis Ozanon [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa boursaultiana N.H.F.Desp. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa boursaultii hort. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × boursoultii Sweet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bouvieri Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bovernieriana Lagger & De la Soie ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brachiata D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × brachtii (Heinr.Braun) Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brachyacantha Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brachyantha Opiz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brachycarpa Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brachypetala Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × brachypoda D‚s‚gl. & Ripart Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × brachysepala Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brachystema Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brachystephana Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brachystylis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bracteata Moench Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bracteata Sieber ex C.Presl Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bracteata J.C.Wendl. Accepted H RJP
Rosa bracteata var. bracteata Synonym L RJP
Rosa bracteata var. scabricaulis Lindl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa bractescens Woods Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bradycarpa Jan Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brandisii J.B.Keller ex Wiesb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa braniciana Andrz. ex Trautv. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × braunii J.B.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa brevifrons Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brevikensis (Almq.) Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brevipedunculata Opiz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brevistyla DC. Synonym H RJP
Rosa brevistyla Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brevistyla var. leucochroa (Desv.) DC. Synonym L RJP
Rosa brevistyla var. systyla (Bastard) DC. Synonym L RJP
Rosa breweri Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa briacensis Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bridgesii Cr‚p. Accepted H RJP
Rosa bridgesii Crép. ex Rydb. Unresolved L TRO
Rosa brigantina Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brilonensis G.H.Loos Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brippii Gand. Synonym L RJP
Rosa britannica D‚s‚gl. ex Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa britzensis Koehne Accepted H RJP
Rosa brobyensis Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bronneri Dierb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa broteroi Tratt. Synonym H RJP
Rosa brotheri Scheutz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brotherorum Chrshan. Accepted H RJP
Rosa brownii Rydb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa brownii Tratt. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × bruanthii Rehder [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa × bruantii Rehder Accepted H RJP
Rosa × brueggeri Killias Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brunica Bouvier Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brunneri Dierb. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa brunnoniana J.B.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa brunoniana J.B.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brunonii Lindl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa brunonis Hance Unresolved L RJP
Rosa brunonis Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × brusanensis Degen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa budensis Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bugensis Chrshan. Accepted H RJP
Rosa bujedana Sennen & T.S.Elias Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bulgarica Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bulgarica Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bulgarica Dimitrov Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bungeana Boiss. & Buhse Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × burdonii Wolley-Dod Synonym H RJP
Rosa × burdonii auct. Synonym H RJP
Rosa buresii Degen & Urum. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × burgalensis Sennen & T.S.Elias Unresolved L RJP
Rosa burgundensis Weston Unresolved L RJP
Rosa burgundiaca Ehrh. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa burgundiaca Pers. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa burgundiaca R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa burgundica Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa burgundica Ehrh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa burmiensis Cornaz ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa burmiensis Cornaz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa burmiensis Cornaz ex Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa burnatii (H.Christ) Burnat & Gremli Synonym H RJP
Rosa buschiana Chrshan. Accepted H RJP
Rosa buseri Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × buseri Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa bushii Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa butleri Rydb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa buxifolia Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa buziae Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa byzantina Dieck Unresolved L RJP
Rosa byzantina Dieck ex Koehne Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caballicensis Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caballicensis Puget Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cabulica Boiss. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caecaticolor Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caeruleomontana H.St.John Synonym H RJP
Rosa caesarea Boiss. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caesia Sm. Accepted L RJP
Rosa caesia Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caesia subsp. caesia Synonym L RJP
Rosa caesia subsp. glauca (Nyman) G.G.Graham & A.L.Primavesi Accepted L RJP
Rosa caesia subsp. subcollina (C. Chr.) Soó Synonym L TRO
Rosa caesia subsp. vosagiaca (N.H.F.Desp.) D.H.Kent Accepted L RJP
Rosa caesia × rubiginosa Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cainonensis Tourlet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calabrica Huter ex Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calabrica var. thuretii Burnat & Gremli Synonym L RJP
Rosa calantha Tkatsch. Accepted H RJP
Rosa calcarea Lipsch. & Sumnev. Accepted H RJP
Rosa calcarea Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caledoniae Borrer ex Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calendarum Münchh. ex Borkh. Synonym L RJP
Rosa californica E.Willm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa californica Cham. & Schltdl. Accepted H RJP
Rosa californica var. glabrata Parish Synonym L RJP
Rosa californica f. nana (Bean) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa californica var. nana Bean Unresolved L RJP
Rosa californica var. ultramontana S.Watson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caloacantha Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × calocarpa (Andr‚) Willmott Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calocarpa Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calodonta Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calophylla Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calostyla Gand. Synonym H RJP
Rosa calva (Franch. & Sav.) Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calva var. cathayensis Boulenger Synonym L RJP
Rosa calvaria Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calvatostyla Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calvilla Jebe Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calycina M.Bieb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calycina Moench Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calyptocalyx Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa calyptopoda Cardot Accepted H RJP
Rosa calyptrocalyx Gand. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa camberiensis D‚s‚gl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa camellia hort. Synonym H RJP
Rosa camellia Siebold Synonym H RJP
Rosa camelliifolia hort. Synonym H RJP
Rosa campaniaca R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × campanulata Ehrh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa campestris Wallr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa campestris Dumort. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa campestris Sw. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa campestris var. myriacantha (DC.) Wallr. Synonym L RJP
Rosa campestris var. pimpinellifolia (L.) Wallr. Synonym L RJP
Rosa campicola Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa campicola Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa camschatica auct., ? an Vent. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa camschatica Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa camschatica Vent. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa camtschatica Cham. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa camtschatica Erman Unresolved L RJP
Rosa camura Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa camusiana Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canariensis D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa candida Davidov Synonym L RJP
Rosa × candida Scop. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa candolleana Thory Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canescens Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canescens Krock. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina Siev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina Siev. ex Ledeb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina L. Accepted H RJP
Rosa canina L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina Sol. ex Bab. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina Sm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. andegavensis (Bastard) N.H.F.Desp. Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. andegavensis (Bastard) Vigo Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. biserrata (M‚rat) Baker Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. biserrata (M‚rat) Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. cantabrica (Cr‚p.) C.Vicioso ex O.Bol•s & Vigo Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. chavinii (Rapin ex Reut.) Rhiner Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina f. discolor R.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. dumalis (Bechst.) Arcang.,p.p.37561 Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. dumalis (Bechst.) Arcang.,p.p.39 Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. dumetorum (Thuill.) R.Keller & Gams Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. dumetorum (Thuill.) Baker Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. evanida (H.Christ) P.V.Heath Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. fastigiata (Bastard) Desv. Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. glabra Desv. Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. glaucescens (Desv. ex M‚rat) Steud. Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina f. glaucoides R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina f. glaucophylla R.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. hispanica (Boiss. & Reut.) Laguna Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. hortensis Griess. Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. intercedens (Heinr.Braun) Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. keissleriana (Sennen) Sennen Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina f. laxifolia Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina f. laxiphylla Borb s [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. leucochroa (Desv.) Boulenger Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. monsignatica (C.Vicioso) C.Vicioso ex O.Bol•s & Vigo Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. myrtilloides Tratt. Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. pseudoblondeana A.F‚lix Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina f. pseudodiscolor R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina var. pseudotomentosa Pau ex Losa Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina var. pubescens (Cr‚p.) R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina f. racemosula Heinr.Braun [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. racemulosa Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina f. sanctamathiae R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina var. sassnowskyana Regel Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina var. schottiana Ser. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina f. semibiserrata Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. senticosa (Ach.) Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. spuria (Puget ex D‚s‚gl.) Heinr.Braun Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. squarrosa A.Rau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina f. stmathiae R.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. stylosa (Desv.) Masclans Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina var. stylosa (Desv.) P.Fourn. Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina subsp. vulgaris (W.D.J.Koch) R.Keller & Gams Synonym L RJP
Rosa canina × gallica Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina × jundzillii Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canina × montana Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caninella Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caniniformis Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canino-arvensis Neilr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × caninopimpinellifolia F.W.Schultz ex R.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa × caninopimpinellifolia F.W.Schultz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa canivestis Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cantabrica (Cr‚p.) Gand. Synonym H RJP
Rosa cantabrigiensis hort. ex S.Weaver Accepted H RJP
Rosa × cantiana (Wolley-Dod) Wolley-Dod Accepted L RJP
Rosa caperata Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa capitellata Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa capnoides A.Kern. ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa capnoides A.Kern. ex H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa capreolata Neill ex D.Don Synonym L RJP
Rosa caraganifolia Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carbonariensis Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cardanica (Rouy & E.G.Camus) Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cardinalis Lawrance Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cardiophora Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cardotii Masam. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cardotii Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carelica Fr. Synonym H RJP
Rosa carionii D‚s‚gl. & Gillot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cariotii Chabert Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carissima R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carlstenensis Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carnatula Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carnea hort. ex L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carnea (Dum.Cours.) B.D.Jacks. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caroliana Sennen & T.S.Elias Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carolina Du Roi Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carolina Aiton ex Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carolina L. Accepted L RJP
Rosa carolina var. aculeata Schuette Synonym L TRO
Rosa carolina subsp. carolina Synonym L RJP
Rosa carolina var. carolina Synonym L RJP
Rosa carolina var. deamii (Erlanson) Deam Accepted L RJP
Rosa carolina var. glandulosa (Cr‚p.) Farw. Synonym L RJP
Rosa carolina var. grandiflora (Baker) Rehder Synonym L RJP
Rosa carolina var. lyonii (Pursh) E.J.Palmer & Steyerm. Synonym L RJP
Rosa carolina subsp. mexicoensis W.H.Lewis Accepted L RJP
Rosa carolina var. obovata (Raf.) Deam Synonym L RJP
Rosa carolina subsp. subserrulata (Rydb.) W.H.Lewis Accepted L RJP
Rosa carolina f. triloba (S.Watson) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa carolina var. villosa (Best) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa carolinensis Marshall Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caroliniana Michx. Synonym L RJP
Rosa caroliniana Bigelow Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carpatica Kit. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa carstigena Heinr.Braun ex Beck Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caryocarpa Douglas ex Cr‚p. Synonym H RJP
Rosa caryophyllacea Besser Accepted H RJP
Rosa caryophyllata hort. ex Redout‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caryophyllea Poir. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa casta Tratt. ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa castellii Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × casureperta Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa catalaunica Costa Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cathayensis (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) L.H.Bailey Accepted H RJP
Rosa caucasea Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caucasea Pall. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caucasica M.Bieb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa caucasica Pall. Synonym H RJP
Rosa caucasica Lindl. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa caucasica Regel Synonym H RJP
Rosa caucasica var. lindleyana Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa caudata Baker Accepted H RJP
Rosa caudata var. caudata Synonym L RJP
Rosa cavaleriei H.L‚v. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × caviniacensis Ozanon Accepted H RJP
Rosa × cavinianensis Ozanon [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa cechica Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cedrorum Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa celerata Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa celsiana hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa celsicola Arv.-Touv. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa celsii L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa centifolia Lour. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa centifolia Mill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa centifolia Focke Unresolved L RJP
Rosa centifolia L. Accepted H RJP
Rosa centifolia var. bifera Poir. Synonym L RJP
Rosa centifolia var. carnea Dum.Cours. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa centifolia var. kingstoniana Dum.Cours. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa centifolia f. muscosa (Aiton) C.K.Schneid. Accepted L RJP
Rosa centifolia var. muscosa (Aiton) Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa centifolia var. parvifolia (Ehrh.) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa centifolia var. provincialis Bean Synonym L RJP
Rosa centifolia f. sancta Zabel Synonym L RJP
Rosa centifolia var. subnigra hort. ex Andrews Synonym L RJP
Rosa centifolia var. tricolor hort. ex Andrews Synonym L RJP
Rosa centipetala Stokes Unresolved L RJP
Rosa centrodonta Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cerasifera A.Kern. ex Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cerasifera Timb.-Lagr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cerasocarpa Rolfe Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ceratophora Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ceratophorae Gand. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa cerea R”ssig ex Redout‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cerea R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cetica Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chabertii D‚s‚gl. ex Chabert Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chaboissaei Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chaboissaei D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chaffanjonii H.L‚v. & Vaniot Synonym H RJP
Rosa chailletii D‚s‚gl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa chamaerhodon Vill. Synonym H RJP
Rosa chapusii Godet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa characias Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa charbonneaui H.L‚v. Synonym H RJP
Rosa charmeli Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × charrieri Charb. & Fouill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × chasei Druce Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chasmocarpa Juz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chaubardiana Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chavinii Chaix Synonym H RJP
Rosa × chavinii Rapin ex Reut. Accepted H RJP
Rosa chengkouensis T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku Accepted H RJP
Rosa cheriensis D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cherokeensis Donn Synonym H RJP
Rosa cheshiriensis Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chinensis Willd. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chinensis Jacq. Accepted H RJP
Rosa chinensis var. chinensis Synonym L RJP
Rosa chinensis var. longifolia (Willd.) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa chinensis var. minima (Sims) Voss Accepted L RJP
Rosa chinensis f. mutabilis (Correvon) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa chinensis var. pseudindica (Lindl.) E.Willm. Synonym L RJP
Rosa chinensis var. pseudoindica (Lindl.) E.Willm. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa chinensis var. semperflorens (W.M.Curtis) Koehne Accepted L RJP
Rosa chinensis var. spontanea (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku Accepted L RJP
Rosa chinensis f. spontanea Rehder & E.H.Wilson Synonym L RJP
Rosa chinensis f. viridiflora (Lavall‚e) C.K.Schneid. Accepted L RJP
Rosa chionistrae H.Lindb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chlorantha Sauz‚ & Maillard Synonym H RJP
Rosa chlori-austriaca Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chlori-umbelliflora Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chloribeggeriana Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chloribulgarica Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chlorigabrielssonii Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chlorigayi Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chlorina Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chlorinummularifolia Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chlorinutkana Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chloripomifera Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chloriprovincialis Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chlorizans Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chlorocarpa Fenzl & Heinr.Braun Synonym H RJP
Rosa chlorophylla Ehrh. Synonym H RJP
Rosa chomutiviensis Chrshan. & Lasebna [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa chomutoviensis Chrshan. & Lasebna Synonym L RJP
Rosa choristylis Borb s Synonym H RJP
Rosa × christiana Brügger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × christiansenii Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × christii Wiesb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × christii M.Schulze Unresolved L RJP
Rosa chrshanovskii Dubovik Synonym H RJP
Rosa chrysocarpa Rydb. Synonym L RJP
Rosa chrysoderma Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ciesielskii Bl>locki Synonym H RJP
Rosa ciliaris Wils. ex Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ciliata Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ciliatopetala Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ciliatopetala W.D.J.Koch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ciliatopetala Godet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ciliatosepala Bl>locki Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ciliopetala Besser [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa cimbrica Frid. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cimelium Kmet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × cimelium Kmet ex Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinctisecta Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cineracea Cr‚p. ex Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinerascens Dumort. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinerascens Cariot Synonym H RJP
Rosa cinerascens f. subduplicata Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinerea Rapin Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinerea Billb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinerea Sw. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinericia Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinericiella Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinerosa D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa cinnabarina Wrede ex Breiter Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea (L. 1759) Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea Roth Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea Herrm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea Kar. & Kir. ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea Ledeb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea Lour. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea Borrer ex Hook. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea Schult. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea Sm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea auct. Synonym H RJP
Rosa cinnamomea L. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. acutifolia Chrshan. Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. dahurica (Pall.) Regel Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. foecundissima (Münchh.) W.D.J.Koch Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. fulgens H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. gemella (Willd.) Ser. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. glabrifolia (C.A.Mey. ex Rupr.) C.A.Mey. Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. glabrifolia Chrshan. Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. glandulifolia C.A.Mey. Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. globosa Desv. Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. majalis (Herrm.) A.Rau Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. marisstrandica Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. petropolitana N.P.Smirn. Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. pisiformis H.Christ Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. plena Weston Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. pseudo-alpina C.A.Mey. Synonym L RJP
Rosa cinnamomea var. rubrifolia Vill. ex Thory Synonym L RJP
Rosa ciphiana Sm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa circinatula Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cistiflora hort. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cladobotrys Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cladocampta Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cladoleia Ripart ex Cr‚p. Synonym H RJP
Rosa cladophora Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa clavigera H.L‚v. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa clavoides Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa clinophlaea Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa clinophylla Redout‚ & Thory Accepted H RJP
Rosa clivorum Scheutz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa clivorum var. glaucescens (Scheutz) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa clotildea Timb.-Lagr. ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × clujensis Prod n ex R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa clusiana Waitz ex Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa clusiana Bouvier Unresolved L RJP
Rosa clynophylla Redout‚ & Thory [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa clypeolaria Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coccialba Kmet ex Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coccialba Kmet Synonym H RJP
Rosa coccinea Wrede ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cochinchinensis G.Don Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coerulea Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coeruleifolia Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coerulescens Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coerulescens A.Kern. ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × cognata Merino Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collaris Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collaris Rydb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa collettii Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collieri Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × collimitata Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina Lam. & DC. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina Sm. Synonym H RJP
Rosa collina Godet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina Schrank Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × collina Jacq. Synonym L RJP
Rosa collina M.Bieb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina Cariot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina Raf. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina J.B.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina Sabr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collina Dumort. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × collina var. fastigiata (Bastard) Thory Synonym L RJP
Rosa collinalis (Matsson) Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collincola Ehrh. Synonym H RJP
Rosa collinderi (Matsson ex Almq.) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × collinoides Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa collivaga Cottet ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × collocata Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa colpogena Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa columbiana Rydb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa columnifera Borkh. ex Rchb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa columnifera Schwertschl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa columnifera (Schwertschl.) Henker & G.Schulze Unresolved L RJP
Rosa commiserata Gand. Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa communis subsp. abietina (Gren. ex H.Christ) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. aciphylloides Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa communis var. brizoniana Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. caerulescens Ravaud ex Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa communis subsp. canina (L.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. cantabrica (Cr‚p.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis subsp. chavinii (Rapin ex Reut.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. coerulescens Ravaud ex Rouy [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. garroutei (Puget & Ripart) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. glabrata (D‚s‚gl.) Rouy [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis subsp. glauca (Vill. ex Loisel.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. globata (D‚s‚gl.) Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa communis var. immitis (D‚s‚gl.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. leucochroa (Desv.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. microphylla Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis subsp. montana (Chaix ex Vill.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. occitanica Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa communis subsp. pouzinii (Tratt.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. pubescens (Cr‚p.) Rouy & E.G.Camus Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis subsp. stylosa (Desv.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa communis var. stylosa (Desv.) Rouy & E.G.Camus Synonym L RJP
Rosa commutata Scheutz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa commutata Ravaud ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa comosa Ripart Unresolved L RJP
Rosa comosella D‚s‚gl. & Ozanon Unresolved L RJP
Rosa companyoii Debeaux Unresolved L RJP
Rosa comparatidens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa compensata Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa compescens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa complens Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa complicata Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa concavifolia Waitz ex Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa concinna Lagger & Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa concinna Lagger & Puget ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa concinna hort. Hamb. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × concinnoides Wolley-Dod Synonym H RJP
Rosa × concinnoides auct. Synonym H RJP
Rosa concisa Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa concolorans Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa concrescens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa concumbens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa concurtata Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa concurtatula Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × condaminea Burnat ex R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × condaminea Burnat ex Asch. & Graebn. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa condensata Puget Synonym H RJP
Rosa conferta (Matsson ex Almq.) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa conferta Puget ex Cottet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa confusa Puget Unresolved L RJP
Rosa confusa Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa congesta Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × conica Chabert Unresolved L RJP
Rosa conjuncta Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa conjuncta Rydb. Synonym L RJP
Rosa connivens Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa conoidea Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × consanguinea Gren. Synonym H RJP
Rosa consimilis D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa conspicua Posp. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × conspicua Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa continens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa contra-orbicantula Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa contracta (Matsson) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa controversa Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa convincialis Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa convinciens (Matsson) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa convirescens (Matsson ex Almq.) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa conyzoides Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa copelandii Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa copelandii Greene ex Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coquebertii Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × coquozii H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corallina Willd. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corbariensis Debeaux Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cordata Cariot Synonym H RJP
Rosa cordatifolia Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cordifolia Host Synonym H RJP
Rosa cordifolia Chabert ex Cariot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cordifolia f. robustifolia Prod n Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cordifolia f. rubusifolia Prod n [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa coreana R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa coreana Kom. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coriacea Cr‚p. Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriacea Opiz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coriifolia O.Bol•s & Vigo Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coriifolia Fr. ex Spreng. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coriifolia Fr. Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia var. clivorum (Scheutz) Matsson Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia var. collinalis Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coriifolia subsp. coriifolia Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia subsp. entrannensis (Burnat & Gremli) Arcang. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia subsp. entraunensis (Burnat) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia subsp. glauca (Vill. ex Loisel.) Mansf. Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia var. glaucescens (Scheutz) Matsson Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia f. pycnacantha Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coriifolia subsp. rhaetica (Gremli) Mansf. Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia var. strictidens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coriifolia subsp. subcanina (Hayek) R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia subsp. subcollina (H.Christ) Hayek Synonym L RJP
Rosa coriifolia f. subcollina H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coriifolia f. subcollina C. Chr. Synonym L TRO
Rosa corinthiaca Borb s & Pacher Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cornazii Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coronata Cr‚p. Synonym H RJP
Rosa coronata Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × coronata Cr‚p. ex Wirtg. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coronata Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × coronata Cr‚p. ex Reut. Accepted L RJP
Rosa coronifera Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coronopsis Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corrugata Caldesi Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coruscans Waitz ex Link Synonym H RJP
Rosa corylifolia Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corymbifera C.C.Gmel. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corymbifera Ardoino Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × corymbifera auct. Synonym H RJP
Rosa corymbifera Borkh. Accepted L RJP
Rosa corymbifera × obtusifolia Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corymbiflora Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corymbosa Ehrh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corymbosa Bosc ex Desf. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corymbosa Bastard ex D‚s‚gl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa corymbosa Moench Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corymbosa Breiter Unresolved L RJP
Rosa corymbulosa Rolfe Accepted H RJP
Rosa cosmophylla Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cosruleifolia Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × costeana Hy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × costei Duffort Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cotteana Pr‚aub. & Bouvet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cottetii Lagger & Puget ex Cottet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa covillei Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa coziae Ny r. Synonym L RJP
Rosa cozza Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × crameri Killias Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crantzii Schult. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crassatula Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crassifolia Wallman Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crassifolia Lilj. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cremsensis A.Kern. ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cremsensis J.Kern. ex J.B.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crenata Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crenatula Chrshan. Accepted H RJP
Rosa crenulata Chrshan. Synonym H RJP
Rosa crenulata Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crepiniana D‚s‚gl. ex Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crepiniana Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crepinii Mi‚geville ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cretacea Kalen. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cretica Wallr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cretica Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cretica Thory Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cretica Bosc Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cretica Vest Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crispa hort. ex Redout‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa croatica Kit. ex Kanitz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa croatica Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa crocacantha Boulenger Accepted H RJP
Rosa cryptopoda Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cryptopoda Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cryptostylis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cucumerina Tratt. Synonym H RJP
Rosa cujavica Sprib.,p.p.415 Synonym H RJP
Rosa cujavica Sprib.,p.p.254 Synonym H RJP
Rosa cuneata Chast. Synonym L RJP
Rosa cuneatula Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cuneatula var. latesecta Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cupaniana Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cuprea Jacq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cursor Raf. Synonym H RJP
Rosa curtatella Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa curtellifrons Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa curticola Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa curtistricta Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa curvata Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × curvispina Wolley-Dod Synonym L RJP
Rosa curvula Timb.-Lagr. ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cuspidata M.Bieb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa cuspidata D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cuspidata H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cuspidata (Godet) Posp. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cuspidatoides Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cuspidatoides F.G‚rard Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cuspidatoides Scheutz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cuspidens Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cyanescens Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cyanocalyx Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × cycloidea Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cyclophora Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cyclophorina Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cymbifolia L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cymelliflora Borb s & Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cymosa Schleich. ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cymosa Tratt. Accepted H RJP
Rosa cymosa var. cymosa Synonym L RJP
Rosa cynorrhodon Wallr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa cyptodon Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa czackiana Besser Synonym H RJP
Rosa czakiana Besser [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa cziragensis Husseinov Accepted H RJP
Rosa daenensis Boiss. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa daghestanica Manden. ex Gadzh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dahlii Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dahurica Pall. [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa daishanensis T.C.Ku Accepted H RJP
Rosa dalmatica A.Kern. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × damascena Herrm. Accepted H RJP
Rosa × damascena Mill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa damascena f. brachyacantha Focke Synonym L TRO
Rosa × damascena f. trigintipetala (Dieck) R.Keller Accepted L RJP
Rosa × damascena f. versicolor (Weston) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa damasceniformis Prod n Unresolved L RJP
Rosa daphnoides Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa darginica Husseinov Accepted H RJP
Rosa dasistema Raf. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dasypoda Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa davidii Cr‚p. Accepted H RJP
Rosa davidii Crép. Unresolved L TRO
Rosa davidii var. elongata Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted L RJP
Rosa davurica Pall. Accepted H RJP
Rosa davurica auct. Synonym H RJP
Rosa davurica Hult‚n Unresolved L RJP
Rosa davurica var. alpestris (Nakai) Kitag. Accepted L RJP
Rosa davurica var. davurica Synonym L RJP
Rosa davurica f. marrettii (H.L‚v.) Sugim. Synonym L RJP
Rosa davyi Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dawoensis Pax & K.Hoffm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dawsoniana hort. ex Rehder Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dawsoniana Rehder Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dawsonii Moldenke Unresolved L RJP
Rosa deamii Erlanson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × debeauxii Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × debilis Wolley-Dod Unresolved L RJP
Rosa decalvata Cr‚p. ex Form nek Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × decipiens Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa decipiens W.R.Linton Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × declivium Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa decora A.Kern. ex D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa decurtata Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa decurtatella Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa degeniana Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa delasoieri Lagger & Puget ex De la Soie Unresolved L RJP
Rosa delavayana Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × delavayi Cardot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa deligatipes Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa delitescens Greene Synonym H RJP
Rosa delphinensis Chabert ex Cariot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa demareei E.J.Palmer Synonym H RJP
Rosa dematranea Lagger & Puget ex Cottet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa demetrii Chrshan. ex Tamamsch. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa deminuens Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa deminuescens Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa densa Timb.-Lagr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa densiflora Tausch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa densiflora Tausch ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dentillata Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa denudata (R.Keller) Kl št. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa depressa Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa deqenensis T.C.Ku Accepted H RJP
Rosa derelicta Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa derongensis T.C.Ku Accepted H RJP
Rosa × deseglisei Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa deseglisei Boreau Accepted M TRO
Rosa deserta Lunell Synonym H RJP
Rosa desertorum (Gand.) Kurtto Synonym H RJP
Rosa desiderata Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa desvauxii N.H.F.Desp. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa desvauxii Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa detonsa Debeaux Synonym H RJP
Rosa deucalion Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa devecanica Beck Unresolved L RJP
Rosa devenyensis Sabr. & G yer Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × devoniensis hort. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa diacantha Chrshan. Accepted H RJP
Rosa diachylon Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa diamantiaca Nakai Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dianthiflora hort. ex Andrews Unresolved L RJP
Rosa diatricha Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dibracteata Bastard ex DC. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dichroa Lerch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dichrocarpa Debeaux Synonym H RJP
Rosa dichroopetala Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dicksonii Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dicranodendron Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa didieri F.G‚rard Synonym H RJP
Rosa didoensis Boiss. Accepted H RJP
Rosa didymacantha Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa didymodonta Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa diennea Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dierbachiana Waitz ex Dierb. Synonym L RJP
Rosa diffusa Roxb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa digitaria Bosc ex Ser. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dijoniensis R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dilata Pau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dilatans Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dilecta Rehder Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dilleniana Baker ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dilucida D‚s‚gl. & Ozanon Synonym H RJP
Rosa dilutella Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa diminuta Boreau ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dimorpha Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dimorpha D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dimorpha Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dimorphacantha A.Martinis Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dimorphocarpa Borb s & Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dingleri (M.Schulze) So¢ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dinota Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dinota var. adaugens Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dinotella Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dinotoides Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dinotoma Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa diomedi B.-A.Martin Unresolved L RJP
Rosa diplacantha (Borb s) Heinr.Braun Synonym H RJP
Rosa diplodonta Dubovik Accepted H RJP
Rosa diracantha Arv.-Touv. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa discreta Ripart ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa disparilis Lucand & Ozanon Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dissimilis D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa distans H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ditrichopoda (Borb s) Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa diversifolia Vent. Synonym H RJP
Rosa diversifolia var. viridiflora Lavall‚e Synonym L RJP
Rosa diversisepala Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa diversistyla Cardot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa divina Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa divionensis R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa djimilensis Boiss. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa djurdjurensis Debeaux ex Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dobrogeaensis Prod n Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dolabrifolia Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dolata Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dolichocarpa Galushko Accepted H RJP
Rosa doljensis Vuk. & Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × doljensis Vuk. & Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dollineriana J.B.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dolorosa D‚s‚gl. & Ozanon Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dolosa Godet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dolosa J.C.Wendl. ex Waitz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa doluchanovii Manden. Accepted H RJP
Rosa dommartini Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa donetzica Dubovik Accepted H RJP
Rosa × doniana Woods Synonym H RJP
Rosa doniana Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa doniana Woods Unresolved L RJP
Rosa donzini Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dorica Heinr.Braun & Hal csy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa drimylodonta (Matsson) Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa drimylophylla Matsson ex Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa driouxii L.Mugnier Unresolved L RJP
Rosa drosocalyx Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa drosophora Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × drucei Wolley-Dod Unresolved L RJP
Rosa druentica Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dryadea Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dryadophylla Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dsharkenti Chrshan. Accepted H RJP
Rosa × dubia Wibel Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dubia E.H.L.Krause Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dubia CarriŠre Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dubia Bastard ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dubia Wolley-Dod Synonym H RJP
Rosa dubitabilis Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa duclouxii H.L‚v. Synonym L RJP
Rosa dudleyi Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × duffortii H.J.Coste & S.Pons ex Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × duffortii H.J.Coste & S.Pons Unresolved L RJP
Rosa duffschmidtii J.B.Keller & Haselb. [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa × dufftii M.Schulze Unresolved L RJP
Rosa duftschmidii J.B.Keller & Haselb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × dulcissima Lunell Accepted H RJP
Rosa dulcissima Lunell Unresolved L TRO
Rosa dumalis Tratt. ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumalis Bechst. Accepted H RJP
Rosa dumalis Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumalis Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumalis auct. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × dumalis subsp. afzeliana (Fr. ex Lilj.) P.Fourn. Synonym L RJP
Rosa dumalis subsp. boissieri O. Nilsson Synonym L TRO
Rosa × dumalis subsp. coriifolia (Fr.) P.Fourn. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumalis subsp. coriifolia (Fr.) A.Pedersen Synonym L RJP
Rosa dumalis subsp. coriifolia P. Fourn. Synonym L TRO
Rosa × dumalis var. fraxinoides Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumalis var. klasterskii (Popek) Popek Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumalis var. levistyla Ripart [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumalis subsp. subcanina (Hayek) Hayek Synonym L RJP
Rosa dumalis subsp. subcanina Soó Synonym L TRO
Rosa × dumalis subsp. subcollina (H.Christ) Schur Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumalis subsp. vosagiaca (N.H.F.Desp.) Kl št. Synonym L RJP
Rosa dumetorum Sm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum Thuill. Accepted H RJP
Rosa dumetorum Lange Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumetorum L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumetorum Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumetorum K.Koch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumetorum Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumetorum A.Rau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumetorum auct. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. brachtii Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. convinciens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum subsp. dumetorum Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. fastigiata (Bastard) Chevall. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. glaucescens Scheutz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. gracilenta (Heinr.Braun) Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. huediensis Prod n [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. huedinensis Prod n Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum subsp. nitidula (Besser) Stoj. & Stef. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum subsp. obtusifolia (Desv.) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. pribilskyi Heinr.Braun [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. przybylskii Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum var. stylosa (Desv.) Pau Synonym L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum f. subatrichostylis Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × dumetorum f. subglabra Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumosa Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dumosa Salisb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa duplicata T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku Accepted H RJP
Rosa × dupontii D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa dura Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa durandii Cr‚p. Synonym H RJP
Rosa dybowskii Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eastwoodiae Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ecae Aitch. Accepted H RJP
Rosa ecae Kanitz Synonym H RJP
Rosa echidna Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa echidne Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa echinata Waitz ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa echinata A.Dupont ex Ser. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa echinocarpa Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × echinoclada Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa echinophora Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa edita D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa editorum Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglandulosa Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglanteria Mill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglanteria Gilg Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglanteria Lam. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglanteria auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglanteria Redout‚ & Thory Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglanteria L. Synonym L RJP
Rosa eglanteria f. duplex (Weston) Rehder Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglanteria var. duplex Weston Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglanteria var. lutea (Mill.) Thory Synonym L RJP
Rosa eglanteria var. nemoralis (L‚man) P.V.Heath Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eglanteria var. spineo-urceolata (Cr‚p.) R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ehrhartiana Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elasmacantha Trautv. Accepted H RJP
Rosa elata H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elatior Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elatophylla (Matsson ex Almq.) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elegans Raf. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × elegans Salisb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elegantula Rolfe Synonym H RJP
Rosa elegantula Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × eliasii Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elisophora Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ellenae Chrshan. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elliptica auct. angl.,p.p.1298 Synonym H RJP
Rosa elliptica Tausch ex Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elliptica auct. eur. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elliptica auct. angl.,p.p.1112 Synonym L RJP
Rosa elliptica Tausch Accepted H RJP
Rosa elliptica var. hispidiglandulosa R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elliptica var. hispidoglandulosa R.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa elliptica subsp. inodora (Fr.) Schwertschl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa elliptica subsp. subeglanteria E.Schenk Synonym L RJP
Rosa elongata Dum.Cours. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elongata R”ssig ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elongata Galushko Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elongatifrons Jebe Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elongatula Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa elymaitica Boiss. & Hausskn. ex Boiss. Accepted H RJP
Rosa elymaitica auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × embequeirouxi Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eminens Druce Unresolved L RJP
Rosa empylotoides Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa enelliptica Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa engelmannii S.Watson Synonym H RJP
Rosa × engolismensis D‚s‚gl. & Guillon Synonym H RJP
Rosa enneaphylla Raf. Synonym L RJP
Rosa epipactis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa epipsila Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa episcopalis hort. ex R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eremocharis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa erinacea N.H.F.Desp. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa erinacea Hardy ex Nyman Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eriocarpa L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eriogyna Cariot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eriosa Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eriostyla Ripart & D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ermanica Manden. Accepted H RJP
Rosa ernestii Stapf ex Bean Synonym L RJP
Rosa erratica Ripart Unresolved L RJP
Rosa erronea Ripart ex Cr‚p. Synonym L RJP
Rosa erubescens hort. ex Andrews Unresolved L RJP
Rosa erythrantha Boreau Synonym H RJP
Rosa erythrella Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa erythroclada Chatenier Unresolved L RJP
Rosa escolapiorum Sennen Synonym L RJP
Rosa escurialensis (Reut.) Pau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa esquirolii H.L‚v. & Vaniot Synonym H RJP
Rosa etrusca Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eulanceolata Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa euratiana Bosc ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eurytoma Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa eustola Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa euvestita Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa euvestita subsp. polonica Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa evanida (H.Christ) Almq. Synonym H RJP
Rosa evoluta Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa evolvens Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa evratina Bosc ex Poir. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa excellens Almq. & Jebe Unresolved L RJP
Rosa excurrens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa exilis Cr‚p. & Wirtg. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa expallescens (Matsson) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa exporrigens Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa extensa D‚s‚gl. & Ozanon Synonym H RJP
Rosa extensifrons Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa facsarii Ker.-Nagy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa faeroeensis Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa falcata Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa falciculata Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × fallaciosa D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fallax Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fallax Puget ex Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fallens D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fargesiana Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fargesii Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa farinosa A.Rau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa farinosa Bechst. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa farinosa Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × farinulenta Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × farinulenta var. altaescalae H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa farinulosa Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa farreri Stapf ex Cox Accepted H RJP
Rosa farreri f. persetosa Stapf Synonym L RJP
Rosa fasciculiflora Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × fasciculiflora Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fastigiata Bastard Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fastigiata Salisb. Synonym L RJP
Rosa fastigiata Garroute Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fastuosa hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fauriei H.L‚v. Synonym H RJP
Rosa faventina Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa favratii H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fedorovii Sumnev. ex Chrshan. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fedoseevii Chrshan. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fedtschenkoana Regel Accepted H RJP
Rosa × felicita Moldenke Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fendleri Cr‚p. Synonym H RJP
Rosa fenestralis hort. ex Redout‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fenestrata Donn Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ferociformis (Prod n) Prod n Synonym L RJP
Rosa ferox M.Bieb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa ferox Lawrance Synonym H RJP
Rosa ferox Sol. Synonym H RJP
Rosa ferox Regel Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ferox hort. ex Andrews Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ferrox M.Bieb. [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa ferruginea D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ferruginea Vill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ferruginea Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ferruginea auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ferruginea Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ferruginea f. pubescens R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fertilis Kult. Accepted H RJP
Rosa × ficticia Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fideana Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa filiformis Ozanon ex H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa filipes Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP
Rosa filispina Debeaux Synonym H RJP
Rosa × fimbriata Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fimbriatula Greene Synonym H RJP
Rosa finitima D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa firma Puget Synonym H RJP
Rosa × firmicaulis Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa firmula Godet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fischeri Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fischeriana Besser ex Link Synonym H RJP
Rosa fissidens Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fissisepala Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fissispina Wierzb. ex Heuff. Synonym H RJP
Rosa fissispina Wierzb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flagellaris Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flagellaris H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flava Donn Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flava Wikstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flavescens Hassk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flavidicolor Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flavidifolia Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flavispinosa Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flectidenta Gand. Synonym H RJP
Rosa flexibilis D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa flexuosa A.Rau Synonym H RJP
Rosa flexuosa Raf. Synonym H RJP
Rosa flexuosa Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa flexuosa subsp. pugetii (Boreau ex D‚s‚gl.) Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa flexuosa subsp. subolida (D‚s‚gl.) Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa floccida D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa floriana Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa floribunda Steven ex Besser Synonym L RJP
Rosa floribunda Baker Synonym H RJP
Rosa floribunda Rolfe Unresolved L RJP
Rosa floribunda hort. ex Andrews Unresolved L RJP
Rosa floribunda Steven ex M.Bieb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa floribunda Waitz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa florida Donn Unresolved L RJP
Rosa florida Poir. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa floridana Rydb. Synonym L RJP
Rosa florigera Bouteiller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fluvialis O.F.Müll. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa foecundissima Münchh. Synonym H RJP
Rosa foetida Bastard Unresolved L RJP
Rosa foetida Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa foetida Reut. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa foetida Ozanon Unresolved L RJP
Rosa foetida Salisb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa foetida auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa foetida Herrm. Accepted H RJP
Rosa × foetida Herrm. Unresolved L TRO
Rosa foetida var. persiana (Lem.) Rehder Accepted L TRO
Rosa foliolosa Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray Accepted H RJP
Rosa foliolosa var. alba Bridwell Unresolved L RJP
Rosa foliolosa f. alba (Bridwell) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa foliolosa var. leiocarpa Torr. Synonym L RJP
Rosa foliosa L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fontanesii Pomel Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × fontisromaei Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × fontqueriana Cuatrec. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × formanekiana J.B.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa formosa R”ssig ex Redout‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa formosana (Cardot) Koidz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa formosissima Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × formosula Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa formulosa Gren. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa forrestiana Boulenger Accepted H RJP
Rosa forrestiana f. forrestiana Synonym L RJP
Rosa forrestii Focke Unresolved L RJP
Rosa forsteri Sm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fortuneana Lem. [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa × fortuniana Lindl. & Paxton Accepted H RJP
Rosa × fossicola Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × fourraei D‚s‚gl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa fourroei D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa foxiana Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fragariiflora Ser. Synonym H RJP
Rosa fragariifolia Ser. ex Steud. [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa fragilis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fragrans Salisb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fragrans N.H.F.Desp. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa franchetii Koidz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa franchetii var. paniculigera Makino ex Koidz. Synonym L RJP
Rosa francofurtana Borkh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × francofurtana Münchh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa francofurtana C.C.Gmel. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa francofurtana R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa francofurtensis Desf. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × franzonii R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa franzonii H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × fraseriana hort. ex Loudon Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraterna Sennen & T.S.Elias Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraudulenta D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinea Willd. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinellaefolia hort. ex Andrews Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinifolia C.C.Gmel. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinifolia Borrer ex Hook. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinifolia Borkh. Synonym H RJP
Rosa fraxinifolia Dum.Cours. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinifolia Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinifolia R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinifolia Durand & Hilg. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinifolia Ser. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fraxinoides (Heinr.Braun) Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa freitagii Ziel. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa freundiana Graebn. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa friburgensis Lagger & Puget Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fricans Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fricatrix Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa friedlaenderi Nyman Unresolved L RJP
Rosa friedlaenderiana Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa friedlanderiana Besser [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa friedlanderiana Cariot Unresolved L RJP
Rosa friesii Lagger & Puget ex Cottet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa friesii Scheutz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa frigida Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fritschii Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa frivaldskyi Heinr.Braun Synonym H RJP
Rosa froebelii H.Christ ex Froebel Unresolved L RJP
Rosa frondosa Steven ex Spreng. Synonym H RJP
Rosa frondosa Wierzb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa frucetorum Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa frutetorum Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × fruticulosa Borb s & Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fugax Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fujisanensis (Makino) Makino Accepted H RJP
Rosa fujisanensis var. glabristyla Koidz. Synonym L RJP
Rosa fujisanensis var. setifera Koidz. Synonym L RJP
Rosa fukienensis F.P.Metcalf Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fulgens (H.Christ) B.D.Jacks. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fulgens Adamowský ex Opiz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fundamentalis Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa funerea Sabr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa fusca Moench Synonym H RJP
Rosa fusicolor Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × gabrielis Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gabrielis F.G‚rard Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gabrielssonii Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gadzhievii Chrshan. & Iskend. Accepted H RJP
Rosa × gaillardii H.J.Coste Unresolved L RJP
Rosa galactizans Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa galactizans var. brevikensis Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa galactizans var. uncigera Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa galbana Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallica L. Accepted H RJP
Rosa gallica Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × gallica L. Unresolved L TRO
Rosa gallica subsp. austriaca (Crantz) Nyman Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. austriaca (Crantz) Heinr.Braun Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. baldensis R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. centifolia (L.) Regel Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica f. cordata (Cariot) R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. cordifolia (Host) Heinr.Braun Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. czackiana (Besser) Heinr.Braun Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. czakiana (Besser) Heinr.Braun [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. damascena (Mill.) Voss,p.p.6110 Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. damascena (Mill.) Voss,p.p.6109 Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica f. elata H.Christ Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. gallica Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. grahovicensis R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. haplodonta (Borb s) Heinr.Braun Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. hybrida Ser. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallica var. leiophylla (Borb s) R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. leiostyla Gelmi Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica subsp. leiostyla (Gelmi) So¢ Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. magnifica (Borb s) Heinr.Braun Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. officinalis (hort. ex Andrews) Ser. Accepted L RJP
Rosa gallica var. pannonica Wiesb. Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. plena Regel Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. pulchella R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. pumila (Jacq.) Ser. Accepted L RJP
Rosa gallica var. pygmaea (M.Bieb.) Boiss. Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. reinechei M.Schulze Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. rosamundi Weston Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. ruralis (D‚s‚gl.) Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. subglandulosa (Borb s) Heinr.Braun Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. subinermis (Chabert) R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. subtomentella (Borb s) R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. trichophylla R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica f. trigintipetala Dieck Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. variegata hort. ex Andrews Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica var. versicolor L. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallica f. versicolor (L.) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa gallica var. virescens (D‚s‚gl.) Degen Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica × tomentosa var. cainonensis Tourlet Synonym L RJP
Rosa gallica × tomentosa var. genevensis (Puget ex D‚s‚gl.) Hayek Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallicaserpens Kirschl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallico-acharii Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallico-arvensis Neilr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallico-canina Neilr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallico-sempervirens H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallico-umbellata Rapin ex Reut. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × gallicoides (Baker) D‚s‚gl. Accepted H RJP
Rosa gallicorepens Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gallinariae Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa galushkoi Demurova Accepted H RJP
Rosa × gandogeriana Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gandogeriana Debeaux Synonym H RJP
Rosa × gapensis Gren. ex Dippel Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × gapensis Gren. ex Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa garroutei Puget & Ripart Synonym H RJP
Rosa gaudinii Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gayi Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gebleriana Schrenk Synonym H RJP
Rosa gechouitangensis H.L‚v. Synonym H RJP
Rosa gehlertiana Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gemella Willd. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gemina Opiz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gemina (Matsson ex Almq.) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × geminata A.Rau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × geminata Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa generalis Chast. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × genevensis Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa geninae Juz. Accepted H RJP
Rosa gennarii A.Huet ex Gennari Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gentiliana Rehder & E.H.Wilson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gentiliana H.L‚v. & Vaniot Synonym H RJP
Rosa gentiliana var. adenoclada (H.L‚v.) H.L‚v. Synonym L RJP
Rosa gentiliana var. australis Rehder & E.H.Wilson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gentiliana f. puberula Hand.-Mazz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gentilis Sternb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × gentilis D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa geocampta Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa georgina hort. Hamb. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa geracantha Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × gerbelis Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa germanica hort. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa germanica Maerkl. ex Dierb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gibberula Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × gibbosa Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × giennensis Pau ex Cuatrec. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gigantea Collett ex Cr‚p. Accepted H RJP
Rosa gigantea f. erubescens Focke Synonym L RJP
Rosa gillotii D‚s‚gl. & Lucand Unresolved L RJP
Rosa giraldii Cr‚p. Accepted H RJP
Rosa giraldii Hesse Unresolved L RJP
Rosa giraldii var. giraldii Synonym L RJP
Rosa gisellae Koehne [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa gisleri Puget ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gizellae Borb s Synonym H RJP
Rosa gizellae f. ditrichopoda Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaberrima Ripart ex Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaberrima Dumort. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × glabra (Baker) Wolley-Dod Synonym L RJP
Rosa glabra Meyen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × glabra hort. ex Andrews Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glabrata Vest ex Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glabrata Kit. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glabrifolia C.A.Mey. ex Rupr. Accepted H RJP
Rosa glabrivanescens Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glandulicaulis Uyeki Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glandulifera Roxb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa glandulifera Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glanduligera Kult. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glandulosa Maly Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glandulosa Bellardi Synonym H RJP
Rosa glandulosa W.D.J.Koch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glandulosa Besser Synonym H RJP
Rosa glandulosa Raf. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glandulosa D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glandulosa DC. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glandulosa Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glandulososetosa Gadzh. Accepted H RJP
Rosa glauca Pourr. Accepted L RJP
Rosa glauca Desf. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca Dierb. Synonym L RJP
Rosa glauca Schott Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca Hegetschw. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca Deleuze Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca Vill. ex Loisel. Synonym H RJP
Rosa glauca var. abrezolii Burnat Synonym L RJP
Rosa glauca var. acutiformis Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca f. bathyphylla Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca subsp. caballicensis (Puget ex D‚s‚gl.) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa glauca f. conferta Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca var. contracta Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca var. delasoiei (Lagger & Puget ex De la Soie) Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca var. delasoii (Lagger & Puget ex De la Soie) R.Keller [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa glauca var. gemina Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca var. glaucescens (Wulfen) Popek Synonym L RJP
Rosa glauca f. gravetii Cr‚p. ex Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca f. opaciformis Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca subsp. pseudomarsica (Burnat & Gremli) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa glauca var. pubescens (R.Keller) R.Keller Synonym L RJP
Rosa glauca subsp. reuteri (Godet) Hayek Synonym L RJP
Rosa glauca subsp. subcanina (H.Christ) Hayek Synonym L RJP
Rosa glauca subsp. vicinalis Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca f. wahlenbergii Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauca × rubiginosa f. dingleri M.Schulze Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucamphibola Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucardala Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucellicolor Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucescens Wulfen Synonym L RJP
Rosa glaucescens Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucescens Desv. ex M‚rat Synonym H RJP
Rosa glauci-abscondita Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauci-accurrens Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauci-albidula Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauciblekingica Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucifolia Opiz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucimultiflora Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucina Ripart ex Ozanon Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucinudatella Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucipellita Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucirubiginosa Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glauciskagerakensis Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucisudermanica Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucocolpogena Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucodermis Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × glaucoides Wolley-Dod Accepted H RJP
Rosa glaucomicrantha Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucophylla Ehrh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucophylla Winch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glaucopubescens Opiz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa globata D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa globosa Raf. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa globularis Franch. ex Boreau Unresolved L RJP
Rosa globularis var. adenophora Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa globulifera Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glomerata Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP
Rosa glutinosa Schultz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glutinosa Franch. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glutinosa Dematra Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glutinosa Besser Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glutinosa Guss. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glutinosa auct. Synonym L RJP
Rosa glutinosa Bellardi Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glutinosa Sibth. & Sm. Accepted H RJP
Rosa glutinosa subsp. dalmatica (A.Kern.) Heinr.Braun Synonym L RJP
Rosa glutinosa subsp. sicula (Tratt.) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa glutinosa subsp. thuretii (Burnat & Gremli) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa glutinosa var. thuretii (Burnat & Gremli) Hal csy Synonym L RJP
Rosa glutinosa × vosagiaca Unresolved L RJP
Rosa glycyderma Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gmelinii Bunge Synonym H RJP
Rosa gmelinii Ledeb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gnaphalodes Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gnophora Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gocciadorensis Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa godefroyae CarriŠre Unresolved L RJP
Rosa godetae (H.Christ) Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa godetii Gren. Synonym H RJP
Rosa gombensis Lagger & Puget Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gorenkensis Besser Accepted H RJP
Rosa gorenkensis Fisch. ex Spreng. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gorinkensis Besser [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa gorinkensis var. glabrifoliolata Chrshan. Synonym L RJP
Rosa gothica Winslow Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gouttardi Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × gracilenta Vuk. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gracilescens Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × gracilescens (Baker) Wolley-Dod Unresolved L RJP
Rosa graciliflora Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP
Rosa graciliflora Cox Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gracilipes Chrshan. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × gracilis Woods Synonym H RJP
Rosa gracilis Waitz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa granata Redout‚ ex Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa granatensis Willk. Synonym H RJP
Rosa grandiflora Wallr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grandiflora Lindl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × grandiflora Charb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grandiflora Salisb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa granensis Kmet ex Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa granitica Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa granulata Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa granulifera Rydb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa granulosa R.Keller Synonym H RJP
Rosa grata Salisb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gratianopolitana Boullu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gratiosa Lunell Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gratissima Greene Synonym H RJP
Rosa graveolens Gren. Synonym L RJP
Rosa graveolens Sagorski Unresolved L RJP
Rosa graveolens subsp. eriophora (Gren.) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa graveolens subsp. graveolens Synonym L RJP
Rosa graveolens var. kluckii (Besser) Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa graveolens var. klukii (Besser) Heinr.Braun [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa graveolens subsp. nuda (Gren.) Arcang. Synonym L RJP
Rosa × gravereauxiana Duffort Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gravetii Cr‚p. ex Form nek Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gravetii (Cr‚p. ex Borb s) Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa greenei Rydb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gremlii (H.Christ) Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gremlii (H.Christ) Oborný Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grenieri D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grenieri Moutin Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grenieri Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grevillei Sweet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grisea Wrede ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × grisebachii Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grossella (Matsson) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grosseserrata E.E.Nelson Synonym L RJP
Rosa grossheimii Chrshan. Synonym H RJP
Rosa grossidens Almq. & Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grossularifolia hort. ex Andrews Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grupnensis Wiesb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grypacena Matsson ex Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa grypotacta Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa guentheri Wiesb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa guepinii Desv. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa guicciardii Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa guilelmiwaldemarii Klotzsch Synonym L RJP
Rosa guillotii Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × guinetii Schmidely Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gussenbaueri J.B.Keller & Pacher Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gutensteinensis J.Jacq. Synonym L RJP
Rosa gutensteinensis J.Jacq. ex Spreng. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa guzarica Juz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gymnocarpa Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray Accepted H RJP
Rosa gymnocarpa var. gymnocarpa Synonym L TRO
Rosa gymnocarpa var. pubescens S.Watson Synonym L RJP
Rosa gyorffyana Degen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa gypsicola Bl>locki Unresolved L RJP
Rosa haberiana Puget ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hackeliana Nyman [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa haeggdangerensis Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa haemathodes Manden. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa haematodes Boiss. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa haemisphaerica auct. Synonym H RJP
Rosa hailstonii Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hakkariensis Manden. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hakoensis (Franch. & Sav.) Koidz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hakoensis var. onoei (Makino) Koidz. Synonym L RJP
Rosa hakonensis (Franch. & Sav.) Koidz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa halacsyi Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hallandica Scheutz Unresolved L RJP
Rosa halleri Krock. Synonym L RJP
Rosa hampeana Griseb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × hardii J.F.Cels Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × hardii Paxton Accepted H RJP
Rosa haringiana (Heinr.Braun) Fritsch Synonym H RJP
Rosa × harisonii Rivers Accepted H RJP
Rosa × harisonii var. vorbergii (Graebn. ex Sp„th) Rehder Accepted L RJP
Rosa hartmanii Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hartwegiana Crép. Unresolved L TRO
Rosa hassei Schalow Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hausimardonica Vassilcz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hausmannii Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × haussknechtii Sagorski Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hawrana Kmet ex Heinr.Braun Accepted H RJP
Rosa hawrana f. phasianica Kmet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hayekiana Sabr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa haynaldiana Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hebecarpa Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heckeliana Tratt. Accepted L RJP
Rosa heckeliana auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heckeliana subsp. orientalis (A.Dupont ex Ser.) Meikle Accepted L RJP
Rosa hecleliana Boiss. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa hecleliana Guss. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa hedevigae Bl>locki Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hedyopsis Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hegetschweileri Brügger ex R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heimerlii Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heldreichii Boiss. & Reut. Synonym H RJP
Rosa helenae Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP
Rosa helenae f. helenae Synonym L RJP
Rosa heliophila Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa helleri Greene Unresolved L RJP
Rosa helsingica Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa helvetica Haller f. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hemisphaerica Herrm. Accepted H RJP
Rosa hemisphaerica Spreng. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hemisphaerica var. harisonii hort. ex Rehder [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa hemisphaerica var. harrisonii hort. ex Rehder Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hemitricha Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hemsleyana G.T„ckh. Synonym H RJP
Rosa hemsleyana Täckh. Synonym M TRO
Rosa henryi Boulenger Accepted H RJP
Rosa henryi var. puberula (Hand.-Mazz.) F.P.Metcalf Synonym L RJP
Rosa herbichiana Bl>locki Unresolved L RJP
Rosa herculis Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × hergtiana M.Schulze Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heriteriana Link Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × heritierana Wallr. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa hermannii Burnat & Gremli Unresolved L RJP
Rosa herporhodon Ehrh. Synonym L RJP
Rosa heteracantha Chrshan. Synonym H RJP
Rosa heteracantha Kar. & Kir. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heteroacantha Chrshan. [Spelling variant] Synonym H RJP
Rosa heteroacatha Chrshan. Unresolved L TRO
Rosa heteroclita Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × heterogenea Gillot ex Rouy Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heterophylla Woods Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heterophylla Timb.-Lagr. ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × heterophylla Cochet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heteropoda Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa heterostyla Chrshan. Synonym H RJP
Rosa hetrostyla Griff. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hezhangensis T.L.Xu Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hibernica Hook. ex Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × hibernica Sm. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hibernica Thory Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hibernica W.T.Aiton Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hibernica Winslow Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × hibernica Templeton Accepted H RJP
Rosa × hibernica var. glabra Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hibernicina Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hieronymii Sennen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × highdownensis hort. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hilariae Juz. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hillebrandtii Weitenw. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hillieri hort. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hinkei Degen Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirciana Heinr.Braun Synonym L RJP
Rosa hirsuta Ghora & Panigrahi Accepted H RJP
Rosa hirsuta D‚s‚gl. & Ozanon Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirsutissima Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirta Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirtella Ripart ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirticamura Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirticinericia Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirticolpogena Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirtidinota Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirtifolia Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirtifolia var. gracilenta Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirtinormanniana Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hirtissima Lonacz. Accepted H RJP
Rosa hirtula (Regel) Nakai Accepted H RJP
Rosa hispanica Boiss. & Reut. Synonym L RJP
Rosa hispanica H.Christ Synonym H RJP
Rosa hispanica Mill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hispanica var. escurialensis Reut. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hispanica f. nonhispida H.Christ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hispida Sims Synonym H RJP
Rosa hispida hort. ex Poir. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hispida Krock. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hispida Münchh. Synonym H RJP
Rosa hispida Thory Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hispidiglandulosa Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hispidissima F.O.Wolf ex R.Keller Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hispidocarpa Chabert Synonym H RJP
Rosa × hispidocarpa (J.B.Keller) Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hispidula Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa hissarica Slobodov Accepted H RJP
Rosa histricosa Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa histrix L‚man Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hoffmeisteri Klotzsch Synonym H RJP
Rosa holikensis Kmet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hollandica Pers. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hollandica hort. ex Dum.Cours. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hollandrei Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa holmii (Matsson ex Almq.) Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa holodonta Stapf Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hologyna Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa holosericea Borkh. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa holosericea Du Roi Synonym H RJP
Rosa holosericea R”ssig Unresolved L RJP
Rosa holotricha Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa homoacantha Dubovik Synonym H RJP
Rosa homogramma Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa homolaga B.D.Jacks. [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa homologa Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hookeriana Wall. Synonym L RJP
Rosa hookeriana Bertol. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa horrida Fisch. Accepted H RJP
Rosa horrida Spreng. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa horrida Fisch. ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa horridula D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hostii Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × housei Erlanson Accepted H RJP
Rosa housei Erlanson Unresolved L TRO
Rosa hracziana Tamamsch. Accepted H RJP
Rosa hudsoniana Redout‚ & Thory Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hudsonica Redout‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hugonis Hemsl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa humensis Conrath Synonym H RJP
Rosa humifusa Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa humifusa Redout‚ ex Rchb. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa humilis Marshall Unresolved L RJP
Rosa humilis Tausch Synonym H RJP
Rosa humilis Besser Synonym H RJP
Rosa humilis Kit. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa humilis var. grandiflora Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa humilis var. lucida Best Synonym L RJP
Rosa humilis var. triloba S.Watson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa humilis var. villosa Best Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hungarica A.Kern. Synonym L RJP
Rosa huntica Chrshan. Accepted H RJP
Rosa huntii Hurst Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hurstiana Hesl.-Harr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa huteri Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hwangshanensis P.S.Hsu Synonym H RJP
Rosa × hyacinthina Sweet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × hyana Pr‚aub. & Bouvet Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × hybernica Rouy [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa hybrida E.H.L.Krause Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hybrida Vill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × hybrida Schleich. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hybrida hort. ex Lavall‚e Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hybrida (Ser.) Posp. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hybridiformis Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × hyperadenia Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hypochionoea Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hypoleuca Wooton & Standl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa hyponema Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa hystrix Lindl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa ianthinacantha Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ianthinochlora Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ibara K.Koch [Spelling variant] Synonym L RJP
Rosa iberica Steven ex M.Bieb. Accepted H RJP
Rosa iberica Sennen & T.S.Elias Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ichangensis Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa idanensis Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ignota Shinners Synonym H RJP
Rosa iliensis Chrshan. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa iljinii Chrshan. ex Gadzh. Accepted H RJP
Rosa illinoiensis Baker Unresolved L RJP
Rosa illizans Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa illyrica Borb s Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ilseana Cr‚p. Synonym L RJP
Rosa imitata D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa immitis D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa × impariserrata Beyer Unresolved L RJP
Rosa imperialis hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP
Rosa implexa Gren. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × implicata Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa imponens Ripart ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × improvisa Rouy Synonym L RJP
Rosa inaequilateralis Sumnev. ex Zakirov Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inaltata Matsson & Lindstr. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa incana Kit. ex Schult. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa incana Falk Unresolved L RJP
Rosa incana Kit. ex Tratt. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa incanescens Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa incanescens Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa incarnata Mill. Synonym H RJP
Rosa incerta D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa incisifolia Sennen & Gonzalo Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inclinata A.Kern. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × incomparabilis Chabert Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inconsiderata D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inconspicua D‚s‚gl. Synonym H RJP
Rosa incrassata Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa indica Lindl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa indica Lour. Synonym H RJP
Rosa indica auct. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa indica Focke Synonym H RJP
Rosa indica Redout‚ & Thory Synonym H RJP
Rosa indica L. Accepted H RJP
Rosa indica var. fragrans Thory Synonym L TRO
Rosa indica var. humilis Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa indica var. longifolia (Willd.) Lindl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa indica var. minima Bean Synonym L RJP
Rosa indica var. noisettiana (Thory) Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa indica var. ochroleuca Lindl. Synonym L RJP
Rosa indica var. odorata Andrews Synonym L TRO
Rosa indica var. semperflorens (W.M.Curtis) Ser. Synonym L RJP
Rosa indica var. vulgaris Redout‚ & Thory Synonym L RJP
Rosa indifferens Gand. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × inelegans Wolley-Dod Synonym H RJP
Rosa inerma Bertol. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inermis Mill. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inermis Wender. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inermis Luc‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inermis Bosc Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inermis Roxb. Synonym H RJP
Rosa inermis Redout‚ Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inermis M.Bieb. ex D‚s‚gl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inermis Delaun. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inermis Bertol. Synonym H RJP
Rosa inermis Turra Synonym H RJP
Rosa infesta Kmet ex Heinr.Braun Unresolved L RJP
Rosa infra-acharii Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa infra-armata Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa infra-enandri Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa infrachavinii Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa infracta Sumnev. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa infrafrondosa Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa infraglaucigera Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inframutans Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa infrarigida Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa infrarufula Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa ingressa Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa innocua Ripart ex Cr‚p. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa × innoxua Kupcsok Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inodora Fr. Accepted H RJP
Rosa inodora Boulenger Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inodora Schwertschl. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inodora Hook. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inodora J.Agardh Unresolved L RJP
Rosa inserta Matsson Unresolved L RJP
Rosa insertella Almq. Unresolved L RJP
Rosa insertella var