The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

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39 plant name records match your search criteria Stenocactus. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Stenocactus albatus (A.Dietr.) F.M.Knuth Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Stenocactus anfractuosus (Mart.) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted M TRO
Stenocactus arrigens (Link) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted M TRO
Stenocactus boedekerianus A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted M TRO
Stenocactus bustamantei Bravo Synonym L TRO
Stenocactus confusus (Britton & Rose) F.M. Knuth Synonym M TRO
Stenocactus coptonogonus (Lem.) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus crispatus (DC.) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus dichroacanthus (Mart.) A. Berger ex Backeb. & F.M. Knuth Accepted M TRO
Stenocactus dichroacanthus subsp. dichroacanthus Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus dichroacanthus subsp. violaciflorus (Quehl) U. Guzmán & Vazq.-Ben. Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus dichroacanthus var. violaciflorus (Quehl) Bravo Synonym L TRO
Stenocactus gladiatus (Link & Otto) A.Berger ex Backeb. & F.M.Knuth Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Stenocactus grandicornis (Lem.) A.Berger ex Backeb. & F.M.Knuth Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Stenocactus hastatus (Hopffer) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Synonym M TRO
Stenocactus heteracanthus (Muehlenpf.) A.W. Hill Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus jarmilae Halda & Horácek Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Stenocactus kaplanii Halda, Kupcák & Sladk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Stenocactus lamellosus (A. Dietr.) A.W. Hill Accepted M TRO
Stenocactus lancifer (A. Dietr.) A. Berger ex Backeb. & F.M. Knuth Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus lexarzai Bravo Synonym L TRO
Stenocactus lloydii (Britton & Rose) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Synonym M TRO
Stenocactus magnificus Halda & Horácek Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Stenocactus multicostatus (Hildm.) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus multicostatus subsp. zacatecasensis (Britton & Rose) U. Guzmán & Vazq.-Ben. Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus obvallatus (DC.) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted M TRO
Stenocactus ochoterenanus Tiegel Synonym L TRO
Stenocactus ochoterenianus Tiegel Accepted M TRO
Stenocactus pentacanthus (Lem.) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus pentacanthus subsp. tulensis Halda, Kupcák & Sladk. Synonym L TRO
Stenocactus phyllacanthus (Mart.) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus rectispinus Schmoll Synonym L TRO
Stenocactus sulphureus (A. Dietr.) Bravo Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus tetraxiphus (Otto ex K. Schum.) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus tricuspidatus (Scheidw.) A.Berger ex Backeb. & F.M.Knuth Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Stenocactus vaupelianus (Werderm.) F.M. Knuth Accepted L TRO
Stenocactus violaciflorus (Quehl) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Synonym L TRO
Stenocactus wippermannii (Muehlenpf.) A. Berger ex A.W. Hill Accepted M TRO
Stenocactus zacatecasensis A. Berger Synonym M TRO