The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Gastrolobium is in the family Leguminosae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Gastrolobium

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Gastrolobium acutum Benth. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium appressum C.A.Gardner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium axillare Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium bennettsianum C.A.Gardner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium bilobum R.Br. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium bracteolosum (F. Muell.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium brevipes Crisp Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium brownii Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium callistachys Meissner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium calycinum Benth. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium capitatum (Benth.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium celsianum (Lem.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium congestum G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium coriaceum (Sm.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium crassifolium Benth. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium crenulatum Turcz. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium cuneatum Henfry Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium densifolium C.A.Gardner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium dilatatum (Benth.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium dorrienii (Domin) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium ebracteolatum G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium effusum (M.D. Crisp & F.H. Mollemans) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium epacridoides Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium floribundum S.Moore Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium formosum (Kippist ex Lindl.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium forrestii Ewart Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium glaucum C.A.Gardner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium grandiflorum F.Muell. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium graniticum (S.Moore) Crisp Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium hamulosum Meissner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium heterophyllum (Turcz.) Crisp Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium hookeri Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium ilicifolium Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium latifolium (R. Br.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium laytonii Jean White Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium leakeanum Drumm. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium lehmannii Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium linearifolium G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium luteifolium (Domin) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium melanocarpum G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium melanopetalum (F. Muell.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium microcarpum (Meissner) Benth. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium minus (Crisp) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium modestum (Crisp) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium musaceum G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium nervosum (Meisn.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium obovatum Benth. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium ovalifolium Henfr. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium oxylobioides Benth. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium papilio (Crisp) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium parviflorum (Benth.) Crisp Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium parvifolium Benth. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium polystachyum Meissner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium praemorsum (Meisn.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium propinquum C.A.Gardner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium punctatum (Turcz.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium pusillum Crisp & P.H. Weston Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium pycnostachyum Benth. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium racemosum (Turcz.) Crisp Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium reflexum G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium retusum Lindl. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium rhombifolium G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium rigidum (C.A.Gardner) Crisp Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium rotundifolium Meissner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium rubrum (Domin) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium sericeum (Sm.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium spathulatum Benth. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium spectabile (Endl.) Crisp Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium spinosum Benth. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium stenophyllum Turcz. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium stipulare Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium subcordatum (Benth.) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium tetragonophyllum (E.Pritz.) Crisp Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium tomentosum C.A.Gardner Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium triangulare (Benth.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium tricuspidatum Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium trilobum Benth. Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium velutinum Lindl. & Paxton Accepted H ILDIS
Gastrolobium vestitum (Domin) G. Chandler & Crisp Accepted M TRO
Gastrolobium villosum Benth. Accepted H ILDIS


The Plant List includes 142 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Gastrolobium. Of these 80 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 18 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Gastrolobium. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 142 species names for the genus Gastrolobium recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 80 56.3%
Synonym 29 20.4%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 33 23.2%

All names

The status of the 160 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Gastrolobium recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 80 50.0%
Synonym 47 29.4%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 33 20.6%

The confidence with which the status of the 142 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Gastrolobium, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 35 16 0 0 51 35.9%
Medium confidence 45 11 0 0 56 39.4%
Low confidence 0 2 0 33 35 24.6%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Gastrolobium, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
ILDIS 35 16 0 0 0 51 35.9%
Tropicos 45 13 0 6 0 64 45.1%
WCSP (in review) 0 0 0 27 0 27 19.0%