The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Cotoneaster is in the family Rosaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Cotoneaster

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Cotoneaster acuminatus E.Pritz. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster acuminatus R.Parker Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster acuminatus W.W.Sm. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster acuminatus Wall. ex Lindl. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster acutifolius Turcz. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster acutifolius H.J.Veitch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster acutiuscula Pojark. ex Zakirov Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster adpressus Bois Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Cotoneaster affinis Lindl. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster afghanicus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster aitchisonii C.K.Schneid. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster alashanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster alatavicus Popov Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster alaunicus Golitsin Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster albokermesinus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster allanderi J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster allochrous Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster altaicus G.Klotz ex J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ambiguus Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster amoenus E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × amphigenus Chatenier Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster andromedae Unger Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster angustus (T.T.Yu) G.Klotz Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster annapurnae J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × antoninae Juz. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster antoninae A.N.Vassiljeva Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster apiculatus Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × apiifolius Medik. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster applanatus Duthie ex J.H.Veitch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster arborescens Zabel Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster arborescens (Elliott) Wenz. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster arbusculus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster armenus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster arvernensis Gand. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster arvernensis L.Laurent Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ascendens Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster assadii Khat. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster assamensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster assimilanda Saporta Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster astrophoros J.Fryer & E.C.Nelson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ataensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster atlanticus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster atropurpureus Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster atrovinaceus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster atrovirens J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster atuntzensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster aurantiacus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster bacillaris Wall. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster bacillaris Collett Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster bacillaris Wall. ex Lindl. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 2
Cotoneaster baenitzii Pax Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster balticus B.Hylm” & J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster beimashanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster bilokonii Grevtsova Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster bisramianus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster bitahaiensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster boisianus G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster borealichinensis (Hurus.) Hurus. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster borealis Petz. & G.Kirchn. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster boulayi De La Vaulx & Marty Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster brachypodus Pojark. ex Zakirov Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster bradyi J.Fryer & E.C.Nelson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster brandisii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster brevirameus Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster brickellii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster browiczii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster bullatus Bois Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Cotoneaster bumthangensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster burmanicus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster buxifolius Wall. ex Lindl. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 2
Cotoneaster buxifolius Wall. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster buxifolius Baker Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster buxifolius Hook.f. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster californicus A.Murray bis Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster calocarpus (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cambricus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster camilli-schneideri Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster campanulatus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster canescens Vestergr. ex B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster capsicinus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cardinalis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cashmiriensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster chadwellii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster chaffanjonii H.L‚v. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster chailaricus (G.Klotz) Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster chengkangensis T.T.Yu Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster chingshuiensis Kun C.Chang & Chih C.Wang Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Cotoneaster chrysobotrys Hand.-Mazz. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster chuanus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster chulingensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster chungtiensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cinerascens (Rehder) Flinck & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cinnabarinus Juz. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cinovskisii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster coadunatus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster coccineus (Waldst. & Kit.) Steud. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cochleatus (Franch.) G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster comptus Lem. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster confusus G.Klotz ex Arv.Kumar & Panigrahi Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster confusus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster congestus Baker Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster conspicuus J.B.Comber ex C.Marquand Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Cotoneaster conspicuus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster convexus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cooperi C.Marquand Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cordifolioides G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cordifolius G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster coriaceus Franch. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cotoneaster Degen Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster crenulata Wenz. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cotoneaster creticus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × crispii Exell Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster crispii Exell Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cotoneaster cuilus Lee ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster cuspidatus C.Marquand ex J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster daliensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster dammeri C.K.Schneid. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster daralagesicus Grevtsova Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster decandrus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster declinatus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster delavayanus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster delphinensis Chatenier Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster deqenensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster dielsianus E.Pritz. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 2
Cotoneaster dielsianus E.Pritz. ex Diels Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster difficilis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster discolor Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster dissimilis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster divaricatus Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster dojamensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster dokeriensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster drogochius J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster duthieanus (C.K.Schneid.) G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster elegans (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ellipticus (Lindl.) Loudon Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster emarginatus hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster emeiensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster encavei J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster eriocarpus hort. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster erratus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster erzincanicus J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster esfandiarii Khat. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster estiensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster falconeri G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster fangianus T.T.Yu Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster farreri Klotzsch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster fastigiatus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster favargeri J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster fletcheri G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster flinckii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster floccosus (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster floridus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster fontanesii Grossh. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster forrestii G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster fortunei Wenz. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster foveolatus Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster franchetii Bois Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Cotoneaster frigidus Wall. ex Lindl. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18 2
Cotoneaster froebelii Vilm. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster fruticosus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster fulvidus (W.W.Sm.) G.Klotz Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster gamblei G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ganghobaensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster garhwalensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster genitianus Hurus. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster genitianus Hurus. ex Nakai Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster gesneri Kirschl. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster gilgitensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster giraldii Flinck & B.Hylm” ex G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster glabratus Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster glacialis (Hook.f. ex Wenz.) Panigrahi & Arv.Kumar Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster glaucophyllus Franch. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 2
Cotoneaster globosus (Hurus.) G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster glomerulatus W.W.Sm. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster goeppertii Menzel Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster goloskokovii Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster gonggashanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster gotlandicus B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster gracilis Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster grammontii hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster granatensis Boiss. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster griffithii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster guanmenensis J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster handel-mazzettii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster harrovianus E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster harrysmithii Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hebephyllus Diels Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 4
Cotoneaster hedegaardii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster henryanus (C.K.Schneid.) Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hersianus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster heterophyllus J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hicksii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hillieri J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster himalaiensis hort. ex Zabel Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster himalayensis hort. ex Lavall‚e Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hissaricus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hjelmqvistii Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hodjingensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hookeri hort. ex Zabel Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster horizontalis Decne. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 3
Cotoneaster hsingshangensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster huahongdongensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hualiensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster humilis Dunn Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hummelii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hunanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hupehensis Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hurusawaianus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hylanderi B.Hylm” & J.Fryer Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hylmoei Flinck & J.Fryer Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hymalaicus CarriŠre Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster hypocarpus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ichangensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ignavus E.L.Wolf Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ignescens J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ignotus G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster improvisus Klotzsch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster incanus (W.W.Sm.) G.Klotz Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster induratus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster inexspectatus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster insculptus Diels Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster insignis Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster insolitus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster integerrimus Kom. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster integerrimus Medik. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster integerrimus R.Parker Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster integerrimus Osmaston Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster integrifolius Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster integrifolius (Roxb.) G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × intermedius (Lecoq & Lamotte) H.J.Coste Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster japonicus hort. ex Dippel Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster juranus Gand. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kaganensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kamaonensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kangdingensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kansuensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster karatavicus Pojark. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster karelicus B.Hylm” & J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kaschkarovii Pojark. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kerstanii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster khasiensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kingdonii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kirgizicus Grevtsova Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kitaibelii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster klotzii hort. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kongboensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster konishii Hayata Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kotschyi (C.K.Schneid.) G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster krasnovii Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kuanensis B.Hylm” & J.Fryer Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kullensis B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster kweitschoviensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lacei Klotzsch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster laetevirens (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster laevis hort. ex C.K.Schneid. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster laevis hort. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lambertii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lamprofolius J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lanatus hort. ex Ed.Otto Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lancasteri J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster langei G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster langtangensis B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lanshanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster latifolius J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lesliei J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster leveillei J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lidjiangensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lindleyi C.K.Schneid. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster linearifolius (G.Klotz) G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster logginovae Grevtsova Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lomahunensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster lucidus Schltdl. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ludlowii G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster luristanicus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster macrocarpus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster magnificus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster mairei H.L‚v. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster major Saporta Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster majusculus (W.W.Sm.) G.Klotz Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster marginatus hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster marginatus (Lindl. ex Loudon) Schltdl. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster marginatus Lindl. ex Loudon Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster marquandii G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster marroninus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster mathonetii Gand. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster mathonnettii Gand. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cotoneaster matrensis Domokos Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster megalocarpus Popov Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster megalocarpus auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster meiophyllus (W.W.Sm.) G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster melanocarpus Fisch. ex A.Blytt Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 3
Cotoneaster melanocarpus (Bunge) Fisch. ex Loudon Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster melanocarpus G.Lodd. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster melanotrichus (Franch.) G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster metrosideroides A.Massal. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster meuselii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster microcarpus (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster microphyllus Wall. ex Lindl. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18 3
Cotoneaster microphyllus Gand. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster milkedandaensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster mingkwongensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster miniatus (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Flinck & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster minimus (T.T.Yu) J.Fryer Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster minitomentellus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster minuta Saporta Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster minutus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × mirabilis G.Klotz & Krugel Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster mirabilis Klotz & Krugel ex Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cotoneaster misturatus J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster mongolicus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster monopyrenus (W.W.Sm.) Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster montanus Lange ex Dippel Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster morrisonensis Hayata Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster morulus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster moupinensis Franch. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster mucronatus Franch. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster muliensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster multiflorus auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster multiflorus C.A.Mey. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster multiflorus Decne. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster multiflorus Hook.f. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster multiflorus Bunge Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 3
Cotoneaster nagaensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nakaii Hayata Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster naninitens J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nanshan A.Vilm. & Millet ex Millet Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nanshan M.Vilm. ex Mottet Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nantouensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nanus (G.Klotz) G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster naoujanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster narynensis Tkatsch. ex J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster natmataungensis J.Fryer, B.Hylm” & E.C.Nelson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nebrodensis Nyman Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nebrodensis Browicz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nebrodensis (Guss.) K.Koch Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nedoluzhkoi Tzvelev Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nefedovii Galushko Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster neo-antoninae A.N.Vassiljeva Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster neopopovii Czerep. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nepalensis hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster newryensis T.Sm. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster niger Browicz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster niger (Thunb.) Fr. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nitens Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nitidifolius C.Marquand Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nitidus Jacques Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 3
Cotoneaster nitidus Jacq. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cotoneaster nivalis (G.Klotz) Panigrahi & Arv.Kumar Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nohelii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster non-shan Mottet Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cotoneaster nudiflorus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nummularioides Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nummularius K.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nummularius auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nummularius auct. fl. As. med. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nummularius Brandis Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nummularius Trautv. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster obovatus Dunn Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster obovatus Osmaston Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster obscurata Saporta Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster obscurus Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster obtusisepalus Gand. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster obtusus Wall. ex Lindl. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster obtusus Wall. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ogisui J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster oliganthus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster oligocarpus C.K.Schneid. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster omissus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster orbicularis Schltdl. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster orientalis (Mill.) Borb s Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster osmastonii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ottoschwarzii G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster ovatus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pangiensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pannosus Franch. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Cotoneaster paradoxus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × parkeri Klotzsch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster parkinsonii Panigrahi & Arv.Kumar Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster parvifolius (Hook.f.) Panigrahi & Arv.Kumar Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster peduncularis Boiss. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pekinensis (Koehne) Zabel Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster permutatus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster perpusillus (C.K.Schneid.) G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster perpusillus (C.K.Schneid.) Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster persei Unger Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster persicus Pojark. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pluriflorus G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pojarkovae Zakirov Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster poluninii G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster polyanthemus E.L.Wolf Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster polycarpus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster popovii Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster popovii Peschkova Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster potaninii Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster primordialis Saporta Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pritzelii (C.K.Schneid.) G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster procumbens G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster prostratus Baker Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster protogaea Saporta Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pruinosus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster przewalskii Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pseudo-obscurus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pseudoambiguus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pseudomarquandii J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pseudomultiflorus Popov Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster purdomii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster purpurascens J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pusilla Unger Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pyrenaeus hort. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pyrenaicus Gand. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster pyrenaicus Chanc. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster qungbixiensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster raboutensis Flinck, J.Fryer, Garraud, B.Hylm” & J.Zeller Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster racemiflorus auct. fl. As. med. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster racemiflorus (Desf.) K.Koch Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18 4
Cotoneaster radicans (Dammer ex C.K.Schneid.) G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rannensis B.Hylm” & J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rechingeri G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster reflexus hort. ex Dippel Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster regularis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rehderi Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster repens hort. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster reticulatus Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rhytidophyllus Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster roborowskii Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster robustior (W.W.Sm.) Hurus. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rokujodaisanensis Hayata Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster roseus Edgew. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster roseus Collett Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rosiflorus K.C.Chang & F.Y.Lu Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Cotoneaster rotundifolius Baker Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rotundifolius Wall. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rotundifolius auct. spec. Cashmir. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rotundifolius Wall. ex Lindl. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Cotoneaster royleanus Booth Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster royleanus Booth ex Bosse Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster royleanus hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster roylei hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rubens W.W.Sm. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster rugosus E.Pritz. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 2
Cotoneaster russanovii Grevtsova Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × sabrina Hadden Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster salicifolius Franch. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 2
Cotoneaster salwinensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sanbaensis J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sandakphuensis G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sanguineus T.T.Yu Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sargentii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster saxatilis Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster saxatilis auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster saxonicus B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster scandinavicus B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster schantungensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster schantungensis Klotz Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cotoneaster schlechtendalii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster schubertii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster serotinus Hutch. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster shannanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster shansiensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sherriffii G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sibirica (Krysht. & Borsuk) Krysht. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sichuanensis Klotzsch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sikangensis Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sikkimensis Mouill. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster simondsii (hort. ex Baker) Dippel Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster simonsii hort. ex Baker Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster simonsii Kanjilal & P.C.Kanjilal Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sinensis hort. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster smithii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster socia Saporta Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster soczavianus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster songaricus auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster songaricus (Regel & Herder) Popov Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sordidus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster soulieanus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster spicatus hort. ex K.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster splendens Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster spongbergii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster staintonii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sternianus (Turrill) Boom Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster stracheyi Klotzsch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster strigosus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster suavis Pojark. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster suavis auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster subacutus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster subadpressus T.T.Yu Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster subalpinus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster submultiflorus Popov Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster suboblongus Gand. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster subuniflorus (Kitam.) G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × suecicus G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster svenhedinii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster sylvestrii Pamp. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster taiwanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster taksangensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster talgaricus Popov Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tanpaensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster taoensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster taofuensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tardiflorus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tauricus Pojark. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster taylorii T.T.Yu Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster teijiashanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tengyuehensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tenuipes Rehder & E.H.Wilson Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster thimphuensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster thraciaensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster thymifolius hort. ex Loudon Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster thymifolius hort. ex Baker Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tianschanicus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tibeticus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tjuliniae Pojark. ex Peschkova Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tkatschenkoi Grevtsova Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tomentellus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tomentosovulgaris Lamotte Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tomentosus C.A.Mey. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18 1
Cotoneaster tomentosus Hohen. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster transcaucasicus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster transens G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tripyrenus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tsarongensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tumeticus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster turbinatus Craib Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster turcomanicus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster tytthocarpus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster undulatus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster uniflorus auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster uniflorus Bunge Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster uralensis B.Hylm” & J.Fryer Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster uva-ursi (Lindl.) G.Don Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster uzbezicus Grevtsova Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster vandelaarii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster veitchii (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) G.Klotz Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster vernae C.K.Schneid. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster verokotschyi J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster verruculosus Diels Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster vestitus (W.W.Sm.) Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster victorianus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster villosulus (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Flinck & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster vilmorinianus G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster virgatus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster vulgaris auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18 1
Cotoneaster vulgaris Hook.f. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster wallichianus G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster wanbooyensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster wardii W.W.Sm. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster washanensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster × watereri Exell Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster watereri Exell Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cotoneaster wattii G.Klotz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster welheri hort. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster wilsonii Nakai Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster yakuticus J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster yalungensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster yinchangensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster yuii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster yulingkongensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster yulongensis J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster zabelii C.K.Schneid. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Cotoneaster zaprjagaevae Grevtsova Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster zayulensis G.Klotz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster zeilingskii B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster zeravschanicus Pojark. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Cotoneaster zimmermannii J.Fryer & B.Hylm” Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18


The Plant List includes 686 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Cotoneaster. Of these 278 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 128 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Cotoneaster. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 686 species names for the genus Cotoneaster recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 278 40.5%
Synonym 98 14.3%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 310 45.2%

All names

The status of the 814 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Cotoneaster recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 294 36.1%
Synonym 179 22.0%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 341 41.9%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 686 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Cotoneaster, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 254 57 0 0 311 45.3%
Medium confidence 0 2 0 0 2 0.3%
Low confidence 24 39 0 310 373 54.4%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Cotoneaster is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
RJP 278 93 0 300 0 671 97.8%
Tropicos 0 5 0 8 0 13 1.9%
WCSP (in review) 0 0 0 2 0 2 0.3%